Kalafina 3rd Album「After Eden」

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Kizuato2 piano mix said:
Dunno if anyone mentioned already, but 40 page "elegant" pamphlet!!!! OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD WHAT DOES THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. >___>

lol, dont get too excited. I remember most people being disappointed with the Seventh Heaven booklet, since most of it was fullpage lyrics and kara no kyoukai poster art. :)
So wait, the booklet comes with the cd? I thought it was a seperate thing. Awesome! It sounds promising at least. :dote:
^ start saving money then.

Well, I'm glad you can still see things so simply and purchase things that make you happy, if nothing else.
It's probably not good etiquette to be too presumptuous of another person's economical situation, though.
It's not that I'm taking a side here, but... it's really no news Japanese releases are damn expensive. They always have been.
^I also think that Japanese releases are so expensive. (The most obvious example are K-pop artists' works released in Japan. If they released some singles/albums in 2 version, Korean one and Japanese one..the Japanese one is much more expensive and included fewer options than the Korean one... :uh..: even the tracks are all the same...or even fewer..)

And well...for me, I hadn't had Yuki's work until I went to Japan just 3-4 years ago (coz all Japanese stuff sold in Thailand are approximately Double Prize for shipping cost and I don't think I want to pay it.), and I started ordering online just since I have my own credit card from my own bank account...(coz my parents would never allow me to pay for such expensive and unnecessary things like these stuffs via their credit cards..)

It isn't everyone who can afford for Yuki's work.. especially for foreign fans like us (esp. the young ones)... So..just support them if you're able to do that and don't feel too much guilty if you can't... You may not be able to buy all stuff they released. But I think if you really love and want to support them, you can keep collecting your money and finally, you can buy one with reasonable price..that should be good enough...

From my point of view..."After Eden" is the beginning of the sin of the human kind.. I can't imagin a calm&heaven-like song.., but it'd be dark for me..something similar to Red Moon or Magia..:tea:..The nostalgic content like Natsu no Ringo or Hikari no Senritsu also possible.. Eden is a kind of lost heaven for me..

I dunno... Japanese releases are expensive, yes, but a lot of them are within a price range that isn't cheap but is somewhat reasonable. I know some people who made the effort to save up to buy the Japanese music that they want. It's something that requires a bit of patience and self control, but it's not impossible.

Pontianak said:
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd love to support them and purchase their albums, but I don't have that kind of money to spend. If only I did, then I would definitely consider buying it, but unfortunately, that's not the case. Most of the time I can only really afford to fork out £10 at the max, only occasionally, on something that my mom considers "sensible".

I really want to own something by Kalafina, too. :cry:

Well... I have the DVD, which TO THIS DAY I will never regret spending all that money on because it's so wonderful and fantastic and I can't get tired of watching/listening to them live ever.

If you're allowed to buy the DVD (which costs more), why aren't you allowed to buy an album? (Not trying to be a smartass, I'm just curious.)

BTW, the links to order After Eden on CD Japan are now up! :dote:

LE: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=SECL-1012

RE: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=SECL-1014
^ I think that's a tad early for me :ohoho:

$36 for the regular edition, huh? I might be able to afford that... :ayashii:
It's not impossible, but depends on the situation of each one. I, for example, still don't work (although I was thinking about beginning this semester, if possible) and don't receive any kind of allowance from my parents, so it's not even possible for me to save money at all. Add the fact that the shipping charge for my country is one of the highest (if not the highest) and also that here the probability of an imported product being taxed is quite high. So, it's not just a case of: "save money and you'll be able to buy every CD you want". Each one of us have their own financial issues that enable us or not to buy the CDs we want.
It's not that easy to just save money.though i kind a understand Pontianak's situation here, coz i myself suffer this Financial Crisis :blood: :XD: i do work but my money have their priorities but i get to buy some anime stuffs.it may take a while to save money for the CD/DVD you wanna buy. i thought Japanese Releases are so expensive coz of Economical difference and because they're first world country
^It's kinda interesting, but Magia is kinda easy, so I don't think it would really help a band after all.
Hmm, I wonder if it's got the guitar solo transcribed. Shouldn't be that hard, I guess, at least not compared transcribing E.G.O. or Slipstream :ohoho:
I just pre-ordered mine at CD Japan, I LOVE that site. I might buy the Mook, but it doesn't really interest me.
Whatever you think is within your financial means, then. :tea:

I'll wait for more information on the mook before I consider spending more money to buy it. >___>
If the words 'musician photos' or 'musician interviews' or 'musician info' happen to pop up about the mook, then I'll snatch it up in a heartbeat :stars:

"Just one question, Chief."

"Yes, Max..."

"What's a mook?" :confu:
^ MOOK = Magazine + bOOK.

and btw, I doubt there will be musicians since it's ENTIRELY Kalafina... plus Kajiura's liner notes :XD:
^ Ah, I see. Thanks :XD:

Yeah, I didn't think so either. That's okay...that way I can save my money for the Live vol. 7 pamphlet that CDJapan will never get :V: