^i'm still hoping for that and i'm saving my money for that. 

I'd totally buy one for "symphonia" or "Ongaku"!tokyostateofmind said:Sorry if this was already posted but, i found that CD Japan Has the band score for Magia! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/aff/click.cgi/ ... OBK-956539 I am guessing it has the chords for piano, tabs, and notation for drums, bass, and other instruments. If i had a band, it would pretty cool. sorry off-topic.
If you're allowed to buy the DVD (which costs more), why aren't you allowed to buy an album? (Not trying to be a smartass, I'm just curious.)
Fourty pounds for shipping. WOW!! That's INSANE. INSANE! :(
I put a disclaimer on my question because it sounded a bit snippy.
I supposed so coz I saw many people here said that they'll buy it, and I assume that almost all of us can buy only via online shopping.., but if it hasn't....Yuki88 said:^ You mean LE
@Kagaribi: eh already available??![]()
i haven't checked on cdjapan yet coz i open play-asia most of the time.Kagaribi no Hanabira said:^So they sell the mook on CDjapan... Ah...I'll check for it afterwards...
...Question..(quite off-topic.) Are there any other Yuki-related stuffs released between Stone Cold&Kalafina 3rd album? If there aren't, I'll wait till the 3rd album gonna release to order Stone Cold..I don't want to walk so far to the post office to get just one stuff...(Hope that I can get Stone Cold&Live7 Pamphlet at the same time.., but there still no sign from CDjapan..-___-.)
"Hi. We will have to negotiate with Sony Magazine, but we will try to make it available. Thanks (^o^)"
but if your of age to get a job then that option should be taken.
Have you tried yesasia? They have free shipping after 50 dollars and you get free capsule toys with two purchases.
I mean I've taken two trips just to see Kalafina and I always buy their works.
but not all can do that, we may have the passion to support them but sometimes it isn't just enough.i mean not all have the same capabilities as you are,there are different circumstances in countries and people.I guess if it's your passion to support an artist money isn't an issue. I mean I've taken two trips just to see Kalafina and I always buy their works. It has been a sharp blow to my accounts especially when trying to pay for my schooling too, but I manage...if barely. If they are of high importance you'll make the sacrifices.