Oh, it's coming out so soon...that's about the same time that the bill for that giru book and Stone Cold'll be coming in, so I probably won't be able to afford it 
頑張ります anyway
But on other matters...what is WITH that title? "After Eden"?
With a title like that, I'd expect a lot of Lacrimosa/Fairytale/Seventh Heaven/Haru wa-esque songs. And since Kajiura-sensei is saying that this album will be very different from the other two...let me analyze further...
Well, Seventh Heaven was quite dramatic, even the non-KnK songs like Ongaku, Ashita no Keshiki, etc. It had about the same sad moods to it as the KnK movies apparently did.
Red Moon, on the other hand, was very exotic and dark. A lot of Hikaru, a lot of exotic-sounding melody lines, with a few little different points (Storia, Hikari no Senritsu, Intermezzo, etc.) thrown in.
So what's the opposite of these songs? Most of them are dramatic, very emotional, the type of songs that leave you feeling drained somehow. So I would expect the songs in After Eden to be quieter, smoother, maybe more relaxing and calming. Perhaps songs like Heaven by See-Saw (without so much synth) or perhaps songs like Shizuka na Kotoba (hopefully with that great bass)...all in all, songs that are not the 'tragic anime ending' or 'triumphant anime opening' type. (Aside from the already-released A-sides that'll be included, that is.)
Okay, I"ll stop analyzing now
I think you're right, but I think it also fits into what's being discussed lately...Kajiura-sensei is using the same arrangements a lot. She uses similar arrangements for a lot of songs - the flute/violin goes in the same place, the chorus is sung by the same people, the songs are constructed in the same way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about that, because she has a wonderful formula, and it almost always works!
But I don't think that either the Natsu no Ringo flute solo or the Storia flute solo was too hard for Konno-san to play live, and I also think that it would've given a completely different and perhaps more emotional mood to the songs if he were to have played them. After all, think of what his performance did to I Have A Dream - I personally think it was wonderfully moving when he played at the end! Maybe giving violin solos to the flute, and giving flute solos to the violin, is what Kajiura-sensei needs to do...it might take her a little out of her comfort zone and open up some new arrangement techniques for her to try.
Of course, I don't know how Konno-san would've sounded in Hikari no Senritsu because of the different style of solo. Actually I think that the solo should be altogether cut out in the live, like it is in the Exit Trance remix, to speed things up a bit. But the flutist wasn't Rie Akagi, so perhaps his contract specified that his solo was to be included in any performances of the song...
Well, either way, I'm still hoping for more violin
And I don't mind more flute either

頑張ります anyway

But on other matters...what is WITH that title? "After Eden"?

With a title like that, I'd expect a lot of Lacrimosa/Fairytale/Seventh Heaven/Haru wa-esque songs. And since Kajiura-sensei is saying that this album will be very different from the other two...let me analyze further...
Well, Seventh Heaven was quite dramatic, even the non-KnK songs like Ongaku, Ashita no Keshiki, etc. It had about the same sad moods to it as the KnK movies apparently did.
Red Moon, on the other hand, was very exotic and dark. A lot of Hikaru, a lot of exotic-sounding melody lines, with a few little different points (Storia, Hikari no Senritsu, Intermezzo, etc.) thrown in.
So what's the opposite of these songs? Most of them are dramatic, very emotional, the type of songs that leave you feeling drained somehow. So I would expect the songs in After Eden to be quieter, smoother, maybe more relaxing and calming. Perhaps songs like Heaven by See-Saw (without so much synth) or perhaps songs like Shizuka na Kotoba (hopefully with that great bass)...all in all, songs that are not the 'tragic anime ending' or 'triumphant anime opening' type. (Aside from the already-released A-sides that'll be included, that is.)
Okay, I"ll stop analyzing now

murrue02 said:recorded flute was inserted coz there was no one available to play it live?(no i think there was but Yuki didn't invited one) just assuming. I also think that Yuki chooses the musical instruments which is available and fitting for the mood of the song
I think you're right, but I think it also fits into what's being discussed lately...Kajiura-sensei is using the same arrangements a lot. She uses similar arrangements for a lot of songs - the flute/violin goes in the same place, the chorus is sung by the same people, the songs are constructed in the same way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about that, because she has a wonderful formula, and it almost always works!
But I don't think that either the Natsu no Ringo flute solo or the Storia flute solo was too hard for Konno-san to play live, and I also think that it would've given a completely different and perhaps more emotional mood to the songs if he were to have played them. After all, think of what his performance did to I Have A Dream - I personally think it was wonderfully moving when he played at the end! Maybe giving violin solos to the flute, and giving flute solos to the violin, is what Kajiura-sensei needs to do...it might take her a little out of her comfort zone and open up some new arrangement techniques for her to try.
Of course, I don't know how Konno-san would've sounded in Hikari no Senritsu because of the different style of solo. Actually I think that the solo should be altogether cut out in the live, like it is in the Exit Trance remix, to speed things up a bit. But the flutist wasn't Rie Akagi, so perhaps his contract specified that his solo was to be included in any performances of the song...
Well, either way, I'm still hoping for more violin

And I don't mind more flute either