I did think of "Here We Stand in the Morning Dew" for the opening and the first verse of Hikaru's part. BTW, what made me think of "Here We Stand in the Morning Dew" is not quite a big part of the song (well..comparing to Adore or Progressive..), so I'm still ok with it...(even a bit disappointed for its repetitive.) But like KP-X said.., as the album title song.. I need sth. better...(but well...I'm not a fan of Seventh Heaven though... so I think that better for me and better for her must be different...

Sandpiper remind me a bit of adore...quite lighter&softer than I've thought...(I've imagined of sth. like Toki no Sabaku before...XD) Well...not much touching...
I prefer Hikaru's part in Kugatsu...I think I need to listen the full version to comment...(I think I'll love the full one....)
In your eyes makes me like what..

... It doesn't sound much Kalafina for me...(maybe like when I listen to I have a dream..lol.) Don't know why I feel that Hikaru's voice sounds so annoying in this song... It's so sharp and thin and...I don't know how to explain it..Orz... I guess I don't like her voice in high range.
Destination unknown reminds me Magia..., but not much similar.. I'll love it for sure...
Neverending sound goods... but not outstanding though...
I like Kotonoha... It's calm&beautifull... the beginning make me think of Hikari no Yukue... Even it sounds so simple.., but for sth... simple is the best....
Magnolia...oh..an Arabian-Egyptian-Indian like... (blame me for unable to distinguish these three kinds of music) similar to those in Red Moon album... Not my taste, not outstanding.., but not that bad...
I can't relate Mune no Yukue to Lion King ost though...even I'm a fan of Lion King's ost.. The only one similarity I can think of is only the Jungle-ish thing.. The arrangement sounds so Kajiuraish for me....
In fact, it made me think of the ending of See-Saw's Tasogare no Umi which Yuki uses LaLaLa part as a symbolic voice of the sea wave, and mix it with the main vocal melody. Here, the Jungle-like chant is like a symbolic melody for jungle, and it's mixed to the song in more complicated way... It's quite fresh for Yuki's & Kalafina's song.. want to listen to the full version...
But wait...after I listen to it more and more...it's sounds more like that Lion King ost now...

is it a kind of brainwashing after I read everyone's comment....
BTW, I think it's not bad.. IMO, I think Yuki tried to give a different feeling for each album.. Seventh Heaven is something etheral, unearthy, mysterious, and elegant. The mystery and darkness is more obvious in Red Moon. And then After Eden is sth. lighter and earthtier... It's down to earth like the girls said...
For the album title song...I like Red Moon>Eden>>Seventh Heaven
For the favourite new song in each album.. I love Kyrie=Destination Unknown>Ashita no Keshiki (=..may be..my opinion can be changed after listen to the full song..XD.)
For the average of all new songs.. Seventh Heaven=After Eden>>Red Moon (= is just the approximate as well...it's changeable..XD.)
Quite complicated opinion.., right?..

It sounds good enough for me to order.., but I hope that the samples wouldn't fool me like FictionII....