^ Oh, I know...I'll fight as hard as possible against that impulse and force myself to stop complaining 

^ I like Disney! Especially in other languages.
Eh, Eden is as upbeat as Hikari no Senritsu.
If the only guitar solo in this album is the one in Magia, my first impulse will be to send the entire thing back
9/16発売のKalafina初のArtist Book『Kalafina Record』を下記店舗でお買い上げの方に、
・Kalafina Eden 1F(渋谷PARCO SR6ビル → http://www.parco-shibuya.com/web/access/)
・渋谷 大盛堂書店
tokyostateofmind said:I am surprised we haven't gotten any samples yet. Usually we get them a few weeks in advanced with Kalafina releases.
Seconded, although I prefer original lyrics.
I thought the same thing a few days ago, and then grunty reminded me that Red Moon didn't have samples either.
Really? Thanks!And "I Won't Say I'm In Love" is best in Hungarian...
But... "Hellfire" and "I'll Make a Man Out of You" are amazing in Swedish! And "I Won't Say I'm In Love" is best in Hungarian...
@generic kajiurago I don't mind this much! As long as it's used to compliment the melody or in a way that sounds nice, it's fine.
This is a huge problem I have with preordering things; when I don't know what I'm getting, I have a consistent urge to cancel it until I know for absolute certainty what I'm getting.
Really? Thanks!(Hungarian)
But quality can perpetuate and at least for the Kajiurago part, I was bored.
It's one of my favourite Disney song from my childhood, and the truth is that in Hungary they can't translate and sing well at the same time except when they work with Disney movies. But for us I think, Japanese is much learnable since their syllables sounds exactly the same as our sounds. What they write down we read at the same way. Unlike in English for example: white - fill = you read these two words different, even though they include the same "i". I don't know if it's understandable, though.I love how the Hungarian language sounds, and I think it flows really well in that song.
After Eden samples http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Arch/S ... index.html
It's one of my favourite Disney song from my childhood, and the truth is that in Hungary they can't translate and sing well at the same time except when they work with Disney movies.