Let's talk about the a-side first:
I know most of you will heavily disagree with me but
One Light is actually my favorite a-side since THE BEST
. Yes, I know I "should" hate this song. It is a rather generic anison rock song with some Kajiura tweaks here and there, but I just enjoy it so much, I can't help it. Absolutely LOVE the bridge, although it is an unsurprising Kajiura classic.
Next up are the b-sides:
As I already mentioned multiple times on the forum, the b-sides have been the main reason why I always kept believing in Kajiura and Kalafina this year. None of the latest a-sides managed to blow me out of my shoes, however there was always at least one b-side on every single (exept hb of course) that managed to do that for me. Unfortunately this is not the case here.
Mahiru is a song filled with mostly vocal solo parts with a simple piano accompaniment. Upon hearing the preview I was really hoping that there would be some strings in it but sadly there are none. I love Gloria, so I have obviously no problems with those kind of songs, however this one doesn't even come close to aforesaid song. There is just sooo much repetition of the same melody! My favorite part is by far the middle, where things get changed up a bit by throwing in a Kajiura classic key change before it goes pretty much right back to the same melody yet again. I don't dislike this song by any means, the girls sound very nice and the song has a lovely atmosphere but this composition is just a bit too simple for my taste. Very nice but underwhelming.
samidare ga sugita koro ni my feelings get really mixed up. I mean, seriously: is this a leftover track from the Saeko Chiba era?! Imho this just DOESN'T sound like Kalafina AT ALL!!

And again: too much repetition. If you listened to the preview, you pretty much heard the song, I'm not joking! All you missed is a Wakana pre-chorus you feel like you've already heard somewhere, lalala towards the end and a piano ending which sounds just like the ending of mahiru again. Now, the problem is that I actually really enjoy the main melody and the overall style of the song but at the same time it just feels like Kajiura didn't put a lot of effort into the composition. Yes, I have to compliment Kajiura on surprising us with something probably none of us would've expected but the experiment kinda failed this time imo. If she put this song let's say on FJ's
elemental I would actually be able to appreciate it but here it just feels out of place. Samidare might be the worst b-side Kalafina ever released but at least it's not downright bad.
So in the end One Light is still my favorite song on the single. I have to admit that I'm a bit disappointed with this release which makes me feel even more anxious for their next album.
Sorry for the negativity.

If you enjoyed the single more than I did then that's your ingenuous opinion and you don't need to justify it to anyone.