Hikaru (aka H-el-ical )

【M/V】End of line【Full ver.】

Hikaruソロ、初のMusic Video。


Director : Koh Yamada
Director of Photography : Mikisuke Umeda
Camera Assistant : Hazumu Mori
Lighting Director : Mikisuke Umeda
Lighting Assistant : Yuta Nishiwaki
Creative Producer : HaKA


2月11日(火・祝) 17:00 / 18:00
東京 Club eX


I couldn't make it past 15 seconds. Thanks for the flashing lights. :barf:
Listen to it with phone facing downwards. Me too i dont like flashing lights but even the song intro and the melody in general are uninspired/repeatitive af. :notlistening::waa:Lets hope the newKalafina songs are better than that or Kajiura is going to have a good laugh :plot:

I actually had the thought for a second that there might need to be a warning for photosensitive viewers. Not sure why the video director saw a need for that.
He probably wanted a club/ rock concert atmosphere 😅
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Listen to it with phone facing downwards. Me too i dont like flashing lights but even the song intro and the melody in general are uninspired/repeatitive af. :notlistening::waa:Lets hope the newKalafina songs are better than that or Kajiura is going to have a good laugh :plot:

He probably wanted a club/ rock concert atmosphere 😅
I think she will ignore Hikaru and Keiko completely (sadly), she gains nothing by their misfortunes.
It's a reasonably song with what Hikaru can obtain in their current state... they used a light to make effects in a easy way, but it disturbes the eyes indeed.
I think she will ignore Hikaru and Keiko completely (sadly), she gains nothing by their misfortunes.
It's a reasonably song with what Hikaru can obtain in their current state... they used a light to make effects in a easy way, but it disturbes the eyes indeed.
I agree. It would be weird for Kajiura to be wishing them evil. I don't think she is.

She knows her worth and that Kalafina was built by her musical genius. Her music is still the best showcase of all their vocals to date. Her level of melody and harmony writing is not common. It's people like Revo that are around her level, so they aren't many composers of that grade.

Most high level composers write for solo vocals which isn't Kalafina's overall strength. And even considering the ladies in a solo context, to be honest, as good as they are H, K, and W aren't necessarily the highest level individual vocalists (unlike some of Kajiura's guest vocalists, e.g. Eri who is world-class in my opinion), but they do have that familiarity and acceptance with audiences to their benefit and they are therefore recognizable voices in Japan (due to their Kalafina careers). If you hear them start you know who they are and you anticipate based on what you've heard of them in Kalafina.

Hikaru's new song has an heavier edge instrumentally than the former songs. It's basically a pop song with hard rock instrumentation. One of my faves from her is still "Avaricia" so I hope she doesn't just go all "metal" on us...
Listening to "End of Line" again, it could have benefitted from a guitar solo or bridge section.

For me the only interesting thing was the bassline. That bassist was putting in work especially in the chorus even though it also repeated, the distorted guitars were just playing chords or something melodically simple and with uninteresting intervals in both the verses and chorus.

It was as if the bass was the lead instrument for me in terms of variety, or maybe the synth was meant to be but it was low in the mix (or overshadowed by the heavy guitars) and so the bass stood out (because it was doing something interesting).

the melody in general are uninspired/repeatitive
I have to agree. It was repeated in the instrumental start. Just the entire chorus which is repeated almost the exact way 4 times...
I would have liked the song a lot more if it wasn't for that obnoxious over driven guitar.
Yes, it could have been used at times, like just in the chorus with a different effect (whammy, tapping, something, for the verses or a bridge). The driving chugging was instead used throughout... It was more a case of being "heavy" for its sake, while dynamics and variety would have improved the journey of the music.
I agree. It would be weird for Kajiura to be wishing them evil. I don't think she is.

She knows her worth and that Kalafina was built by her musical genius. Her music is still the best showcase of all their vocals to date. Her level of melody and harmony writing is not common. It's people like Revo that are around her level, so they aren't many composers of that grade.

Most high level composers write for solo vocals which isn't Kalafina's overall strength. And even considering the ladies in a solo context, to be honest, as good as they are H, K, and W aren't necessarily the highest level individual vocalists (unlike some of Kajiura's guest vocalists, e.g. Eri who is world-class in my opinion), but they do have that familiarity and acceptance with audiences to their benefit and they are therefore recognizable voices in Japan (due to their Kalafina careers). If you hear them start you know who they are and you anticipate based on what you've heard of them in Kalafina.

Hikaru's new song has an heavier edge instrumentally than the former songs. It's basically a pop song with hard rock instrumentation. One of my faves from her is still "Avaricia" so I hope she doesn't just go all "metal" on us...
Im not saying she ll come out and say she makes better songs but even if she thinks this way to herself it will count and might make the girls learn a lesson :) it all depends on how the new songs will be and if people will like them.
Im not saying she ll come out and say she makes better songs but even if she thinks this way to herself it will count and might make the girls learn a lesson :) it all depends on how the new songs will be and if people will like them.
Learn a lesson? This isn't a mum punishing her children so they learn to behave. These are fully grown adults who made their decisions to go their separate ways. Kalafina wanted to reunite for the longest time - with or without Kajiura wasn't the point. They simply wanted to be able to stand on the same stage one more time. There's hardly any indication "Kalafina" will continue without Yuki Kajiura anyway - which is why I'm so perplexed why YK is acting in such a manner. Artists in a group are allowed to perform together. Doing so isn't a "betraya" to Kajiura's legacy. A one-time concert definitely would not incur a "ban" on YK activities either.

Honestly, it's a pattern with Kajiura at this point. See-Saw broke up and it took literal decades before Chiaki could perform with Kajiura again. FJ Yuuka disbanded and I'm not sure Yuuka and Kajiura are even on speaking terms since their partnership ended in 2014. And now Kalafina.

If Yuuka can perform her FJ Yuuka songs without any hard feelings, I really don't see how this is any different for Kalafina.
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (32).gif

My favourite part of the video.
[Collaboration] Eating out in Shin-Okubo [Yuriko Kaida]!

This must have been fun for the both of them. I hope Yuriko Kaida is able to have some time to talk vocals with Hikaru too.
It's obvious they are relaxed with each other and have been for years. It's just good to see them interact on each others' channels.

This should be a more common occurrence among the singers on their personal channels, showing that they are real collaborators and friends.

It's cool to see Yuriko in these contexts away from the stage interacting with the others. Both her and Hikaru are a little bit naturally extra in their expressions of delight. I think they would work well together on the right song/arrangement.
I went to Hikaru's Instagram and saw photos she posted from her February live『Hikaru LIVE TOUR -ROUND-』at Club eX.

It's a really nice, compact stage with the performer and band in the center of the audience, and several overhead screens.

She has included notices about not reposting her pics from that concert, so I have refrained from doing that.