Bowl of Yuki-shaped cereal
I checked her YouTube and didn't see it there...
I checked her YouTube and didn't see it there...
Here’s the link for the song on there: checked her YouTube and didn't see it there...
Hikaru seems to do a lot of songwriting, so she doesn't need to wait for someone to write for her, or she's more able to engage with collaborators on the music composition.Interesting that as Hikaru is picking up the pace, Keiko and Kaori have gone MIA in regards to new music. I'm happy she has found her footing again after the Helical disaster.
I want to believe that at least Keiko will be working on something. It's Kaori I'm waiting on as soon as she's able to spare some time.Interesting that as Hikaru is picking up the pace, Keiko and Kaori have gone MIA in regards to new music. I'm happy she has found her footing again after the Helical disaster.
Yeah. She's a music-creation machine. Feels like she has a lot to say especially about self-actualization and relationships.I believed from the moment Kalafina ended that Hikaru would be the stand out and most prolific of the 3. I still hold to that.
I wonder how well she plays. I've seen her do a coupe of English covers on her YouTube with the keyboard.She does play Keyboard. I'd love to see her and Keiko do an acoustic duo song with her on piano and Keiko on guitar.
She rocks it quite well. I wonder which of the other Kala/FJ ladies could look good in that, and I really think it's all of them!!! Maybe with some highlights and other touches. Keiko definitely!She rocks the bob, but I prefer long hair Hikaru <33