aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh finally get out from the hospitaaaaaal!!!!
since i am a type of rarely-being-confined-in-hospital, and i feel not sick AT ALL, being hospitalized was soooooooo boring
my body was all okay, just that night i couldn't move my body with my own will (kind of stiff in the neck?) (that's my first time feeling like that, kinda horrifying), and the doctor didn't give a clear explanation (he said i might have too much problem than burdening my brain, etc, well too much problem in holiday?), it made me mooore bored
then just now my mom told me: "maybe it was a light stroke?"
i was like

"mommy, i am just 17!" and from what i feel, it is more 'stiff' than 'paralyzed', hmmmm.... i am pretty sure it wasn't it, but nowaday's diseases are kinda horrifying and they can reach to pretty young people, nee?
i have to do exercise more often, not only exercising at Math
but now i am free from hospitalization and i'm visiting CPM for the congratulation~
(though not looking at the screen for a long time makes me a bit fuzzy, errgh)
(hehehe sorry looooong post, since my blog is, emmmm, abandoned for several reason XD and my fingers love to write much, eheheh)