Go Shiina & (notsomuch) Yuki Kajiura to compose for Kimetsu no Yaiba

Had some time to waste on Go Shiina's soundtrack, and rofl on how he mostly spammed "鬼殺隊" and "Kamado Tanjiro no Uta" melody (or maybe the song was already an arrange of another theme? I can't tell lol).

Did anyone notice that M12 is a Homura arrange on piano? Kajiura should be credited here as a composer (not sure if it's her piano arr though).

Besides I'm not very fond of his "ethnic vocal motif*" that is very reminiscent in this movie's and the first season's soundtracks, but did we already discuss the fact that it is close to Kajiura's one (0:06 - 0:16 in "the main theme of KNY")?
According to what he said on the "pillar themes by YK and how he built his soundtrack based on it", if anything, this is it right?

* 1:08:37 ⇩
EDIT: M41 0:51 to 1:06 (1:15:34 to 1:15:49 in the video) is also a Homura call-back I think.
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Had some time to waste on Go Shiina's soundtrack, and rofl on how he mostly spammed "鬼殺隊" and "Kamado Tanjiro no Uta" melody (or maybe the song was already an arrange of another theme? I can't tell lol).

Did anyone notice that M12 is a Homura arrange on piano? Kajiura should be credited here as a composer (not sure if it's her piano arr though).

Besides I'm not very fond of his "ethnic vocal motif*" that is very reminiscent in this movie's and the first season's soundtracks, but did we already discuss the fact that it is close to Kajiura's one (0:06 - 0:16 in "the main theme of KNY")?
According to what he said on the "pillar themes by YK and how he built his soundtrack based on it", if anything, this is it right?

* 1:08:37 ⇩
Shiina's fan here, accidentally stumbled upon this forum when googled Go Shiina. 😁

Have you watched the movie yet? He actually didn't randomly spam Tajiro or the demon themes. Mostly those themes are used in fight scenes, where you listen to tanjiro themes when he dominated the battle, and likewise, you listen to the demon themes when the demon dominated the battle. IMO that's a brilliant track coz I can imagine every moves in the fight scenes by just listening to the music. Kinda feel like listening to duet in opera too. I found an example on youtube comment which demonstrates how every notes fits perfectly to the scenes 🤣🤣:

As a Shiina's music listener since Tales of Legendia (2005), I can confirm u that M12 is really Shiina's piano style. Homura is basically the main theme of the movie so it's reasonable if he used the melody too.

His ethnic vocal style dates back to Legendia era (2005), and become really often in God Eater tracks. I'm agree it's similar to Kajiura's main theme of KNY tho.

Btw, greetings to everyone, I like Kajiura's music too but not so much.
Shiina's fan here, accidentally stumbled upon this forum when googled Go Shiina. 😁

Have you watched the movie yet? He actually didn't randomly spam Tajiro or the demon themes. Mostly those themes are used in fight scenes, where you listen to tanjiro themes when he dominated the battle, and likewise, you listen to the demon themes when the demon dominated the battle. IMO that's a brilliant track coz I can imagine every moves in the fight scenes by just listening to the music. Kinda feel like listening to duet in opera too. I found an example on youtube comment which demonstrates how every notes fits perfectly to the scenes 🤣🤣:

As a Shiina's music listener since Tales of Legendia (2005), I can confirm u that M12 is really Shiina's piano style. Homura is basically the main theme of the movie so it's reasonable if he used the melody too.

His ethnic vocal style dates back to Legendia era (2005), and become really often in God Eater tracks. I'm agree it's similar to Kajiura's main theme of KNY tho.

Btw, greetings to everyone, I like Kajiura's music too but not so much.
Hi there 👋
Thanks for your comment.

I know it’s not random, but still, the motifs we’re talking about are used a huge amount of times in the soundtrack.

I’m okay with film scoring, but that makes many tracks repetitive and forgettable in the final product (I could say the same with some Kajiura releases that I hate). We’ll, I just hope that those Mxx will turn into longer tracks -should I say 1 long track- in the final product (commercial release). Unfortunately that wasn’t much the case in the newly released anime ost, isn’t it?

Don’t get me wrong, I sometimes enjoy Shiina’s work, like God Eater or Code Vein. KNY may be very enjoyable while watching the anime though.
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Pffft. Homura starts during the movie.
The piano/kb in the intro seems to be a loop so that's fixable but when the guitar comes in, there's no other place in the song that it appears in so no way to patch that in the 5.1 version. :|

I tried editing/filtering it out from the hirez instrumental and other channels but nothing close to the actual center channel where it's pretty much just the raw guitar/keyboard with no bells or anything else.


I think I managed to end up with something satisfactory. So that only leaves Haru wa yuku 5.1 that I can't do anything about.
If anyone wants it, lemme know.
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Tracklist from the orchestra concert from last november, releasing on CD and bluray on August 25:

Disc 1
05 to destroy the evil
06 the Main theme of “Kimetsu no Yaiba”

Disc 2
09 from the edge
11 「無限列車編」アバン劇伴 M01 / 炎

And Homura has surpassed 200 million views some weeks ago

Also on https://vgmdb.net/album/108996

Btw off-topic but they've just added some Vanitas Bonus CD on the website, but missing Vol.3 (~Dec 25) and Vol.7 (~May 25).
Maybe it will include the soundtracks? SAO WoU had it in bonus CD 3 and 8 as an example...
now this I am excited about! hopefully it's a nice arrangement. I recognize the arrangers and they have some really cool stuff.
I guess chances are she already recorded a song for it.
Or maybe her hiatus mostly means lives but then they also cite poor health for her husband's break so who knows...

Reading ANN and reddit comments, people say he cheated on her? Sux. "poor health" lolz
Well, none of my business. Good luck sorting it out and getting over it.
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Was news way before but mostly a rumor done by trashy bunshun. Now hiatus on both when they could just clarify it as NOTTRU so.....But ya none of our business..

Well I also don't think she will pass this chance but considering there's many things to make a song (MVs, recordings etc. etc.)+ she just released a song from a drama + previous lives, I'm thinking she's not done recording a song IMO. Music department of Kimetsu is really cursed :hide:

Edit: Maybe YORKE went to participate in Kajiura last time cause he knew shit will hit the fan sooner or later lol
ikr? From wat I understood:
LiSA's both song by Kajiura but not sure if all (Music/Lyrics/Arrangements) will be her. This will be the first arc? mugen train tv ver?
Meanwhile Aimer "Asa no Kuru" composed by Kajiura(credits still not sure) for Yukaku arc
sorry will update the official website crashes too many people lol we wait official

Mugen Train Arc TV Version: 7 episodes
Both LiSA "Akeboshi"(edits:ann did ake hoshi from my previous post lol) and "Shirogane"(edit:same mistake lol) both composed by Kajiura

Entertainment District Arc:: New Season episodes not confirmed afaik
Aimer both OP(Sankyō Sanka) and ED(Asa ga Kuru-producer:Kajiura assuming all Kajiura magic then~)
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first arc = mugen train TV edition
Both songs by Kajiura, composition, arrangement, lyrics by Kajiura
Second arc = yukaku arc
ED by Kajiura, composition, arrangement, lyrics by Kajiura
Oh shit this is better than Flame? Might be the first time I enjoyed Aimer OP too~ I'm looking forward to Shirogane and Asa ga Kuru :)