Go Shiina & (notsomuch) Yuki Kajiura to compose for Kimetsu no Yaiba

The orchestral concerts happened in mid-November and had an audience. Only November 15th was streamed. Video footage from that performance will be included on the Blu-ray.

In order to watch that concert online, I had to sign up on Ticket Pia, which requires both a Japanese mobile number (for repeated verifications, also prompts you to call in) and a Japanese credit card (6gram, which is a JCB prepaid, works). It’s more of a hassle compared to the Japanese e+ ticketing platform. Ticket Pia does have a separate international-friendly site, but the concert was not listed there.
Totally missed it ! And how was it ? But neither Kajiura nor Shiina were on stage, right ? Did they play any bgm from the movie ?
Thanks for the details on the tickets btw. It seems like you're used to it now, following emU concert ( call me big brother ;p )
Should we edit the thread title following the official announcements?
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From what i gather this is a standalone release for the already released tokuten soundtracks for the KnY TV anime right ?
It's 2 CD so not exactly 1-1 with tokutens.
It's either a selection of released tracks or new mixes/medleys/whatever. It also features the OP and ED tvsize.
Totally missed it ! And how was it ? But neither Kajiura nor Shiina were on stage, right ? Did they play any bgm from the movie ?
Thanks for the details on the tickets btw. It seems like you're used to it now, following emU concert ( call me big brother ;p )
Yes, it was good. No, neither composer appeared on stage. And, to correct myself, there were actually 4 performances (2 per day); only the final one (Sunday evening) was streamed. The set list—I mean, program—was mostly Shiina, but it included “from the edge”, a few Kajiura BGMs, and (as encore) “Homura”.

[oh, how’d you know I was watching that concert XD
and yeah, I’ve checked out a ton of online event streams in the past year and have learned ways to get around those Japan-only barriers]
^Are you talking about something other than the clip that I posted? This sounds cool. I have to watch more of the anime. For some reason, it only recorded 2 of the episodes on my DVR and then none after that. So I have to use Hulu. Which is fine. Hopefully there will be a rip of the Kajiura songs, I mean from the soundtrack.


Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina won the 44th Japan Academy Award for Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train in two categories: best music and best animated film.
The award ceremony and the announcement of the highest award will be broadcast on 3/19 (Friday) from 21:00 to 22:54 on Nippon TV.


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Gives an arrangement, gets award. Sounds too easy.

Why is her name menthioned first again when the analogy of the soundtrack is 99% Go Shiina 1% Yuki Kajiura ?
Most here prob. not aware of some gossips pertaining to this series but lemme share some while waiting for actual news lol

Last time there was LiSA interview wherein they talk about how the lyrics were made. Cue people raging why Kajiura not involved in the interview. - Mostly to bash LiSA ofc I dunno how serious it is in jpn.

Now to another issue: Homura "sounded" like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXr7rFL9pv4

Kimetsu is popular after all nee~~
Too bad about the delay for the standalone. It says LP there on the website so could it be just for the analog version?
Movie OST enclosed with BD as expected. I guess its "Film Scoring Edition STEREO MIX" naming could suggest new mixes on standalone release?

Then again "STEREO MIX" there is a bit much and specific - does the Bluray also includes a multichannel isolated score audio track for the movie?
It also makes me wonder a bit about Kajiura's old 5.1 movie enclosure CD soundtracks (like the latest Heaven's Feel) - were they in fact quick shitty stereo downmixes of movie audio?