Go Shiina & (notsomuch) Yuki Kajiura to compose for Kimetsu no Yaiba

Homura number 1in oricon single ranking


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We dont know how many went to watch because they heard of Kajiura. I doubt its even menthioned in advertisements, posters etc. Its only on the official site, and just at the credits too. KnY has been popular on many countries in Asia, and its not for the music.
And only a few people are mentioning Kajiura’s genius on Homura. I’ve even seen some medias mentioning Lisa as « the musician who created Homura ».

In any case, both Aimer and Lisa’s biggest hits ever are Kajiura compositions. And they both made history on charts. So who’s next ?
@ritarudandoo can correct me if I'm wrong but to me that post is only suggesting Kimetsu's popularity means easy money (or other benefits) for Kajiura (with her minimal involvement in the project, NOT in its popularity).
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Fo reals? Homura sold more than Gurenge?
You're right, not yet, it's too soon.
I was saying that although Gurenge was a hit over time it seems like it didn't rank as Top 1 on Oricon chart (3) and Billboard Japan Hot 100 (2), while Homura is her first single to rank 1 at both of these charts.
Also I still haven’t listened to it yet, lol.
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You're right, not yet, it's too soon.
I was saying that although Gurenge was a hit over time it seems like it didn't rank as Top 1 on Oricon chart (3) and Billboard Japan Hot 100 (2), while Homura is her first single to rank 1 at both of these charts.
Also I still haven’t listened to it yet, lol.
I guess that the popularity of the anime has sth. to do with Gurenge. The song is quite good and famous from the start as an anisong from LiSA, but the anime has just gained a big attention around episode 19 or 20 or so (which took quite a while after the song release.) It's after that that Gurenge's gained bigger recognition from public and became a very big hit, as an OP of a popular anime.

While Homura was released after both anime and manga were already phenomenon in Japan and many other countries. That may be a cause of this difference.
I'm sorry but for me Gurenge is a middle finger to music and an ode to the death of universal creativity.

It is hype indeed, but doesn't fit the atmosphere of the show. You could put this song for any random anime and it would sound pretty okay, but without bringing any reflexion to the show, unlike "Haru wa Yuku" or even "from the edge", and just like "Oath Sign" which completely destroyed the mood of Fate/Zero...

Plus the vocal technique and instrumental are ***. Just an Anisong, nothing less, nothing more. I don't simply hate LiSA, when it comes to random shows such as SAO I think her songs fit them enough, with ADAMAS being a big Yes for me (and it's the same composer who did Gurenge). I also kinda like Jun Maeda songs for her, but not even the one Hiroyuki Sawano did.

Of course this is my humbly opinion. As for what you said on the popularity, I don't really know ?
I think it's mostly thanks to LiSA's promotion on "Gurenge", especially in China -where she did a tour, I think ?-. She even made many posts in chinese, and self-covered one of her hits in (a questionable) chinese, if I recall correctly. Thus it got a huge attention in China. Also 2 cours with the same song certainly helped to make it grow in popularity. Except that "from the edge" didn't follow that trend... perhaps because that exact lack of promotion. Any other idea why it failed ?

***ehmm I didn't find any adjective to express the emptiness that suddenly came to my mind.
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It is hype indeed, but doesn't fit the atmosphere of the show. You could put this song for any random anime and it would sound pretty okay, but without bringing any reflexion to the show, unlike "Haru wa Yuku" or even "from the edge", and just like "Oath Sign" which completely destroyed the mood of Fate/Zero...
I don't disagree with this. Gurenge isn't that fit to the show. That's why I said that it's good and famous 'as an anisong from LiSA', not as a good OP that really matches a great show or sth. like that. (good is very subjective. Don't worry about that ^+++^. All of us have different piles of good songs and bad songs.)

I should clarify and correct about how I think the popularity of anime&manga helps. I don't follow LiSA's work so I don't know about her promotion. However, it's just my 'guess' that KnY helps this song more popular, not only from LiSA herself.

I heard about the song broke many records digitally sold quite late. But after I check the timeline carefully, it's before the time that the show got more attention from public. So I should give the credit for her.

However, in Thailand at least, people around me who aren't very into anisongs or animations know Gurenge because it's HnY's OP, not as LiSA's song. That's why I thought that the popularity of HnY plays some role here.

In my point of view, HnY became more popular around early fall last year, that made people pay attention to the manga, and it helped the manga became a talk of the town by being the first manga in a decade that can beat One Piece in annual sale. That's quite a big deal for manga reader society. So, when Homura released, HnY movie that it features was already a centre of attention. Plus the fact that Gurenge, which is also LiSA's song for HnY, is famous, I think it isn't surprised that Homura is destined to get a good sale, no matter you think it's good or bad. And I bet that 99.99% of the listener don't know and don't care about the composer =____=".



今夜は23時からNHK 「SONGS」様で、大泉洋さんにLiSAを紐解いていただきます。そして「紅蓮華」「Catch the Moment」に加えて、梶浦由記さんの伴奏で「炎」を歌わせていただきます。梶浦さんと出会った頃から色んな景色を思い出した特別な歌でした。絶対にお見逃しなく。

2020.10.14 Up
第553回 LiSA ✕ その知られざる素顔に迫る!

総合 2020年10月24日(土)
午後11:00 ~ 午後11:30
総合 2020年10月31日(土)
午前1:30 ~ 午前2:00 ※金曜深夜
今回番組ではLiSAの代表曲とも言える3曲を披露する。大ヒット曲「紅蓮華」、LiSAのアンセムともいえる楽曲「Catch the Moment」。さらに劇場版「鬼滅の刃」無限列車編の主題歌「炎」は、数々のアニメの音楽を手がけ「アニソン界のカリスマ」と呼ばれる梶浦由記とLiSAが二人だけのコラボで届ける。スタジオ中が緊張で張り詰めた貴重なセッションは必見だ!

番組HPはこちらから »