FictionJunction and Kalafina: Behind the Scenes

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Hikaru : spirits ???!!! :omg: *run around the house*

Yuki Grandma : yuki...don't scare hikaru-chan like that... :XD:

Yuki : hahahahhahaha !
Kaori: *Sees a little boy dressed in white hiding in the curtains* Waah!!! Who's that!? He really looks scary! :uh..:

Hikaru: Waah!! *runs around again*

Yuriko: *Looks at the curtains* Kaori, stop joking, there's no one there, April fools is over, you know... Stop scaring anyone else!

Kaori: :omg:
Kaori : I'm not joking at all !!! minna believe me !!! :omg:

Grandma :In this mansion....there was a incident happened before...a little boy died in that incident....

Kaori : :omg: :omg: :omg: !!!

Yuki : hahahahahhahaha !!! *laugh more loudly*
Hikaru: *shivering in fear* Y-Y-Yuki-san, W-w-why are y-you l-laughing...? :omg:

Kaori: OMG, Really!? :omg: Then that boy~*looks at the curtain again and sees the boy again* WAAH! THERE! :omg: *Hides behind Hikaru and vice versa :XD: *

Wakana: What!? Where!? *looks at the curtains and see no one* STOP JOKING! This is very serious you know! :cry:
Yuki : okay okay okay ! grandma nice skill :XD: actually that boy is my neighbour child...we just uses him to scare kaori :XD:

Kaori : why scare me???!! :omg:

Yuki : Kaori and Hikaru has been scared !! yea !! next is.... :plot:
Then someone knocked the door.

Young Boy: Yuki-san, I am ready for scaring your friends...
Yuki: :omg: and who is that boy on the curtain just now?!

Yuki's Grandma: and I was not joking about the incident too Yuki dear.
Keiko and others: :omg: *hides on the blanket*
Suddenly the light turn off automatically ...

Keiko : wahhhh !!! :omg: wakana wakana !!! where are you !!! *touch something*

a boy : its so pain....don't touch me like that.... :uh..: *a bloody face*
Keiko: *Screamed then Faints*

Wakana: Huh!? Keiko..!? What happened!? Where are you!? *Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind* WAAHHH!!! :omg:

Hikaru: Wakana-chan, I'm scared..! *Crying like a baby*

Wakana: Oh.. It's just you... :uh..:

Kaori: *Hugging Yuki tightly* Y-Yuki-san, S-someone i-is p-pulling my f-foot... :omg:
Boy : don't put me alone....please.....*holding kaori foot*

Kaori : :omg: !!!! *shaking leg* hand off me !!! :omg:
Kaori: Waah! Do something, Yuki-sa~ *sees Yuki frozen in fear* NO!! Let go of my foot!!! :omg:

Boy: *lets go of Kaori's foot and started pulling Yuuka's foot* Please... I don't wanna be alone anymore, Play with me! *with blood dripping from his forehead*

Kaori: What a relief, he let go of me..! :uh..:

Yuuka: NO, NO!! Not a relief! Ahh! help!! :omg: *Kicks the boy's face*
Boy : *head fall at floor* where my body.... :uh..:

Yuuka : awwwww !!! :omg: i killed a child !!! im a murder !!! :omg:
Wakana: *Hikaru's arms around her neck* Y-yes, and I think I'm almost fainted too.. Hikaru-chan, l-let go pleease! I-I can't breathe! *gasp*

Hikaru: *eyes closed* Waah! Wakana-chan, don't let me go! It's so dark! *crying*
Yuriko whacks Hikaru

Yuriko: OPEN YOUR EYES :glower:

Wakana: *gasp gasp* yees... *gasp* o..pen...your...eyes... :@_@:
Hikaru: *opens her eyes* :waii: I see light! It's so bright! :sohappy:

Kaori: *fanning Keiko* Keiko-chan, wake up... *then fanning Yuuka* You too, Yuuka-chan...

Yuuka: *suddenly wakes up* Ahh! The head fell off! Ahh! *realizes that there is light already* Huh..? What happened..? :uh..:

Kaori: head fell off..!? Stop joking, it's not funny! :omg:
Wakana: *gasp* *cough* Hikaru.... :uh..:

Yuuka: *to Kaori* AREE ?!?! It's just a dream ?? :confu: :omg:

Kaori: what is just a dream ?? :confu:
Yuuka: well, you see... A blood-covered kid started pulling my foot and I kicked him in the face and....... His head fell off..!! :omg:

Kaori: What!? You too!? A kid was pulling my foot too! but he let go! I'm serious! *talks to Yuki* You do remember the time that I was clinging to you, right? Yuki-sa~

Yuki: *in a state of shock* ahh... hahh.. blood....child..... :omg:

Yuki's grandma: *pats Yuki's head* dont worry... I dont think he plans to show up in your bed rooms tonight... Maybe..
Keiko : i touch a bloody boy !!! :omg: huh..?! so bright already ! thanks godness.... :sohappy:

Yuuka : keiko u saw the boy too ??!! :omg:

Keiko : yar....i touch it..... :omg: kajiura-san !!! can i sleep with u today? :waii: