If this doesn't make Sony's policy go memetic, I don't know what ever will.

Yuki's fandom has really got the ULTIMATE devotion test, it seems. $500+ for an OST CD, anyone? That's without shipping.

Well, it's not like we can change anything.

I just hope it won't backfire on the actual sales. As awesome as the show is promising to end up, it's not a twisting take on a money-milking genre like Madoka was, and I think it's still aimed at Type-MOON fanbase first and foremost. So it depends on them. Then again, it DOES promise to be this autumn's best show regardless, so...
Sigh, every time I wonder how high in the charts Yuki would leap with scoring a really good series, the said good series is handled by Aniplex, BUNDLED WITH THEIR RECENT BUNDLING TRENDS

(not intended as a pun). Give us back Petite Cossette days, Aniplex...
IMHO the chances of a standalone OST are slim now.

Also, unless there is a FictionJunction release around the corner, let's swallow the fact that the nearest YK release is not due till spring. Hibernation mode ON?