ritardando said:
I don't mind about her voice being shouty in "dare ni mo, mienai nee" and "owaranai natsu deshita", it's just too borderline annoying for me. And of course Hikaru had to take the "fue no ne ga" stanza because when that stanza starts, Wakana and Keiko still sing the "kimi no kokoro ni kisu wo suru", but maybe for me, if that notes were that high for her, she could just use falsetto instead of shouting. Maybe it will make the song have less in power, but still on the relaxing mood. Oh, I take that back. Hikaru's falsetto is even more annoying than her shouty voice. Stupid me.
I’ve actually never heard Hikaru slip from her normal voice to falsetto during a song, I’ve only seen her use either her falsetto only (e.g. when doing chorus in oblivious and Hikari no Senritsu) or only her normal voice throughout a song (i.e. for basically all their other songs). So perhaps unlike Wakana who does that numerous times (like in sapphire, Lirica, even magnolia etc.) it’s hard for her to switch quickly or transition smoothly between her normal voice and her falsetto. (Actually, come to think of it, I swear I’ve never properly heard Keiko’s falsetto…O_o)
Hikaru’s falsetto is alright though, isn’t it? I reckon she does really well in Hikaru no Senritsu and oblivious lives…
ritardando said:
Maybe you're right on Kyrie, because the delay between the kajiuran and the "anata no kioku no naka no" was really short that Hikaru had to take Wakana's part, but for me, as an performer they should make their live as close to the recording version as possible, and Wakana maybe could make a little sacrifice by a bit pushing herself there. After all, if you look at the setlist, the song before Kyrie was Mata Kaze and after Kyrie was Ongaku. Wakana can have lots of relax time in Ongaku, and can gain her power in Mata Kaze, unless she doing lots of energy-burning movement, which she didn't do too much compared to Hikaru and Keiko.
I guess so, but it’s hard because they really did look quite tired…when I checked the red moon setlist, I noticed that they literally performed 14 songs non-stop between MC1 and MC2 (though I’m not sure if this was actually the case – did the DVD cut out other MC bits in the middle, or were there really only two?). They were really good up to storia (kyaa

), and intermezzo was alright, but Wakana was first starting to sound a little tired to me there, and then after Lacrimosa they all just seemed to get really exhausted.
Whilst we’re on the topic of Lacrimosa, to me it was the turning point where they started getting really tired because it was the song before Mata Kaze, and I’ve always thought sounds (and looks) like a really taxing song for Wakana to sing live because she has to go low out of her comfort zone but also get a bit shouty to hit the higher notes with enough power.
So I noticed that after performing 10 songs, then Lacrimosa, then going into Mata Kaze, that whilst Keiko and Hikaru were still relatively energetic, Wakana seemed really tired (you can see her stoning when she comes into harmony somewhere around the bit that goes “nan no yaku ni mo tatanai kedo, sukoshi hikari ni niteru sore ga, watashi ga anata ni nokoshite yuku…”
And then after Mata Kaze, Hikaru and Keiko seemed tired too, and Wakana didn’t look too well recovered (she probably jammed to the music more than she should have), so all three of them looked pretty tired going on into Kyrie. And even in that kajiurago bit before the ‘anata no kioku…’, Wakana was definitely sounding strained there, so maybe Hikaru took the line to relieve her. It could have also been perhaps that Wakana couldn’t finish her previous line off quickly enough to hit the starting note of the new line, so they made Hikaru do it since I’ve also noticed that Wakana’s voice isn’t very agile.
And then even after Kyrie in Ongaku, Wakana in her chanting part (which was still epic and amazing, but I could tell she was tired and quite shaky on that high falsetto note) and Hikaru sounded more tired than Keiko, who I guess was conserving energy and managed to pull through until the 2nd MC.
I guess it’s good for singers to push themselves to perform the best they possibly can, but they need to take care not to overtire themselves and strain their voices too much or it might be worse for them in the long run (I hear that straining the voice too much can result in permanent damage

) For a better performance, it would probably help for the Kala girls to have more breaks in between songs, or have the breaks more evenly distributed (like, for 2 MCs in 20 songs, a break every ten songs even would be better than fourteen)
Also, (sorry for off-topicness and this WALL OF TEXT

) is it just me or does Wakana seem to have the least stamina out of the three of them? I mean, it feels like Hikaru can last for quite a bit and Keiko seems to be able to go on forever but Wakana seems to get tired/start sounding strained the fastest. (Same with her breathing…she seems to take the biggest/loudest breaths out of the three of them…perhaps she has a smaller lung capacity than the others?)