- this song is so cheerful and hopeful! Quite a contrast to the usual Kalafina mysterious, dark aura
- All three girls sound really really good in this song...dunno why, maybe cos they all sound so relaxed and carefree
- the bridge with the kajiurago, so happy~
- the feeling of the song is as if I'm flying really high the sky, with the wind rushing past my face...it makes me wanna fly
- the lyrics are so hopeful and inspiring!
- get the soaring emotion especially at 'Kaze fuku oka heeeeeeeeee...' and 'Bokutachi wa ugidashite itaaaaaaaaaaaa...'
- a new addition to my list of favourites
- the raw emotion conveyed in the song, although it isn't as 'epic' perhaps, e.g. Lacrimosa, it still creates a powerful feeling of tragedy and despair
- it's a deeply moving song for me, though I can't quite put a finger on why...perhaps just the way it's sung...and the lyrics too are very tragic
- I've said this how much I love this many times before, but Wakana on the second chorus after the super long bridge 'mou anata ni kizutsuku koto mo nai, yagate tozasareru soukyuu...' Just the emotion in those few lines...and how the strings come in and swell at that bit...just wow...left me breathless and gobsmacked one day as i was walking home from school, I literally stopped in the middle of the road and gaped like an idiot at the footpath for severla seconds
- Hikaru sounds amazing in her parts...really adore her lower voice
- the song is just full of




moments for me
- THE EPIC Kalafina song. Even my kpop obsessed friend loves this song for it's sheer badassery
- the kajiurago 'eyiieeehheeee' at the beginning and throughout = EPIC
- Hikaru = EPIC (love the whole badass dominatrix queen thing she's got going there XD)
- Keiko = EPIC
- love the deep drums, the bass, the bell, the gong thing...
- love Hikaru's vocals in this one
- Wakana's low notes are quite nice...and her 'yasashikuuuuu' <3
- the piano is so pwetty~~~~ also the flute
- a simple yet sweet song
in your eyes:
- Gyahahaha for some reason this song makes me crack up when it comes on
- reminds me of Brazil and that festival they have there...a setting similar to the movie 'Rio' XD
- it's a very fun song (I can just imagine their choreo for this one XDD)
- my fav parts are Keiko's, somewhere in the middle "kokoro ga hitotsu ja tarinai mitai, kisu ga kisu ja owaranai..." and I also love how the higher harmony comes in at 'setsunai kanjou anata no mono yo...'
destination unknown:
- another badass song that makes me want to do an epic gangsta walk down the street
- for some reason i really like Wakana's background chorus parts
- at the end where Hikaru is singing and Keiko is singing the beginning lines of the song at the same time and they overlap each other
- i love the violin and other string instruments in this one
- the 'lalalalala' parts...wanna wave my arms to the music
- Hikaru sounds the freaking best I have ever heard her...I love it when she sings the way she did in this song
- song gives me a gentle, loving feeling
- a nice simple ballad
- love Hikaru's parts and Wakana and Keiko's background chorus parts there...so pretty~~~
- when they sing 'magnolliiaaaaaaa' with the high note on the first syllable, it sends shivers down my spine
- Love Hikaru and Keiko's two ending lines...
- Wakana is hectic in the chorus...love how badass she sounds there...reminds me of a theme song for a mysterious ass-kicking femme-fatale type character
- the electric guitar solo makes me wanna air-guitar
- love and how it pauses just after 'akarui yami no naka ni atte...', then leaps suddenly into the next line 'todokanu sora kara kanaderu...'
- the lyrics again are so pretty~
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima Niwa:
- the kajiurago in the bridge and Keiko's part in the bridge
- the harmony in the verses, Keiko blends really well with the other two in their respective parts
- the piano again...love the piano...
Mune no Yukue:
- love the feel-good of this song, makes me want to hug people and smile and just be happy
- Wakana's background chorus and 'yoake wa itsumo cobalt blue..." also her english bits are very cute
- the harmony at 'go the sun round the river of li-ife' when Keiko and Hikaru join Wakana singing the English
snow falling
- quite like the lonely, peaceful mood of the song...a good song to listen in solitude when you're preoccupied in your own thoughts
- in the middle of the song when the song builds up and the girls layer their parts over each other...it's so gentle and pretty, literally like falling snow
- Hikaru's 'falling snow' in english...kya it's so sweet~
- majestic and uplifting, actually does make me want to follow the PV and go stand in a field and run around wildly and lie in a meadow of flowers~
- Hikaru's 'kikasete...' at the end
- I love Keiko's voice in this one; it's so smooth and gentle and soothing...
- suddenly feel really really happy when Wakana comes in with 'higashi no kaze ni...' and the key change and swell of music at 'ima...akarui ongaku sekai no...' really makes me want to jump up and fly away
- in fact, I just love how this song rises and falls...and every time it rises with a swell I can feel this liberating, uplifting feeling in my own chest and it makes me feel really lighthearted and inspired~