red moon:
- dark Wakana
- powerful chanting
- Keiko's amazing part at the end
- a dark and tragic mood, it sounds despairing but powerful and stirring too
Hikari no Senritsu:
- one of those few songs where Wakana sounds happy rather than sad
- Hikaru is so cute at the beginning!
- the carefree yet gentle mood
Te to Te to Me to Me:
- makes me wanna wiggle mah hips around XD
- filled with Keiko goodness <3
- the girls look like and sound like they're having heaps of fun, especially in lives
- the 'dancing' during lives is amusing to watch XDD
- the kajiurago throughout
- like the Keiko/Hikaru combo, they both sound so good
- the beat, very upbeat, makes me tap my foot along
- Wakana on background chorus too, combines well with their voices, and her solo part in the middle is nice too
Haru wa Kogane no Yume no Naka:
- another one of my favourite ballads
- Wakana at the beginning and end, with the minimal instrument accompaniment, her voice alone with piano is just...arrrgghhh my heart melts
- when Hikaru comes in with the strings, then with Keiko coming in and the music swelling...aaaaahhhh my heart goes from melting to lurching and beating really fast and I'm left breathless
- the melody is are the lyrics (though the title is SO LONG, even in English XD)
- just love the calming, soothing mood of the's not sad exactly, but very peaceful
- pretty title!
- for some reason it just makes me wanna twirl around and around, especially in the chorus
- it has a graceful and elegant feel for me, but a hint of sadness too
- for some reason it just reminds me of suffering nobly from an unrequited love with dignified resignation
Yami no Uta:
- Deliciously dark and evil
- Keiko reminds me of an awesome seductive evil queen
Hoshi no Utai:
- whenever I hear this song, I imagine Hikaru as a samurai, Wakana as the samurai's wife and Keiko as the samurai's master XD so listening to this song is very fun for me
- love the far eastern, Asian atmosphere
- the flute at the beginning
- one of my favourite songs!
- I think this song is one of Wakana's best; her voice sounds really really good for some reason in this song, really smooth yet conveys that uplifting, swelling emotion. my chest actually physically feels lighter when i listen to this song
- the lyrics are soooo poetic and beautiful
- unique music box effect
- wish it was longer XD
- nice vocals from Hikaru
- love the kajiurago bits
- the song makes me wanna dance
- Wakana being powerful here (especially live), and she and Keiko once again make an awesome powerhouse combo
- a lot of turbulent and strong emotions come through in this song, it's desperate, and almost angry
- epic kajiuran chanting
I have a dream:
- another one of my all-time favourites
- makes me feel the urge to wave my arms up high and sway lowly to the music
- the song is so calming and soothing, always instantly cheers me up with its gently hopeful mood
- it's as if the girls are comforting me through their song
- Wakana's voice is so nice and smooth and gentle
Hmmm...going through this, I've actually discovered some funny things:
- If it's a Kalafina ballad, I will probably love it

Don't know why but I just love their ballad/slow songs
- And wow, I am really really REALLY biased towards Wakana...not that I don't love Keiko and Hikaru of course~

I guess I always knew that but still...WHOA

I should probably try to be more impartial XD