Complain about all!

Has a very sore throat today and was up all last night with it, could hardly breathe. But it's not strep thankfully. And found out I'm allergic to dust, mold, and grass. Go figure. it's everywhere.

Stupid snow, ruining my plans tonight. They changed to tomorrow, but still. We have had enough for this winter.
^hope you feel better.

I am getting an MRI of my back tomorrow, and have to be put out, since I am closterphobic. I hate hospitals, seems like I've been there a lot lately since being sick recently.
^ tnx, way better today! ^^
Hope you get better since you have much bigger problems :omg:
But I know how you feel, few months ago I had a huge immunity crash, gone through hell :blood:
Wish for a fast recovery!

Early getup tomorrow, I hope I get to go to sleep early(er) tonight :desksweat:
Due to my exams being pushed back a March 20th Consolation release is also the first day of my exams! :omg: :cry:

Now I really need to be consoled by Kalafina lol :XD:
/me pats Cerise
Ganbatte :TdT:
I lost precious time to do homework b/c of food poisoning ... :blood:
And too much homework :uh..: How am I supposed to do all of them now?? :omg: Tomorrow's the deadline ...
^Hope you feel better! Wouldn't they understand if you said you got food poisoning?

It's snowing yet again, we got enough snow last time! Why does it always have to be on a Tues?
^That sucks. And thanks for the heater. i need it today. Cold. And somebody's out on a stupid snowmobile. Not as loud as his zip bike, but still, annoying.

Also mad at my brother for not having my mom meet his girlfriend yet, and also nervous about my final tomorrow. I think I will take it tomorrow so I don't have to go on Thursday. I need to study more but I'm too tired.
^ good luck

I didnt study today :omg:
Damn, really is the true moment to get serious :blood:
^Thanks! I think I did well!

ugh, headache started. And my ear keeps plugging and I bit the side of my mouth. And I am freezing today.
My friend Mr Cold came for a visit! :sparkleguy:

He brought his friend Ms Sore Throat along! :shy:

Oh, and here's their friends Mr Runny Nose and Mr Cough! :dote:

Anyone else coming...? Why, hello, Ms Fever! :sohappy:


:blood: :imdead:
^ when I was on my internship, every saturday was working for me. At least I had free sundays and holidays.. :uh..:

My room is some kind of magnetic field for dust. Even when I clean it up, very soon it looks like it hasnt been cleaned at all. Arghh!! :blood:
^ my school only has sunday as holiday, and has no summer holiday :ohoho:

and woohoooo my mid-term test is over now!
i should be happy since i have looots of projects, but why now i get this headache?
and my buchou just gave me a work too. i guess senpai just pushed him to do something, and Buchou threw it to me (as i am in charge of that work)
okay Buchou, okaaaay.... :knife:
/me pats ta-pyoon :ohoho:

I still have headache from yesterday :voodoo: I wonder if I have astigmatism :blood: