Complain about all!

^ woah, sure hope you feel better and toss that idea out :uh..:

I had a terrible nightmare today when I fell asleep that my dad was choking me. It was so realistic that when I was waking up, I thought I was waking up from being unconscious from choking :hide:
Shees, that was scary! :cry:
And yet again my cousin is not wanting to come again, and when I think she is just making excuses and talk to her about it, then she says I am overreacting, even though she'll go out with her other friends no matter what. grrr. I am just so sick of this. :uh..:
Sorry for the double post but not feeling well today and I have to work pretty much all day. I wish I was just on closing tonight so I could at least take a nap. I am going to be falling asleep. Also still kind of depressed. And not feeling well doesn't help.
So :bloodlust:

The other day it was up to 20 degrees.....and yesterday snow..again :bloodlust:
Today snow melt...ah well

Mother Nature, please let the spring start! Especially on the official March 20th...if you know what I mean :plot:
Megy my complaining partner. heh I am so sore and tired and all I want to do is crawl back into bed, but I have to work in less than 2 hours. And for 8 hours. I hope I'm not too sore for my recital tomorrow, which I am so nervous for. oy, can this weekend be overwith already?
More than a week without my notebook. I'm starting to lose my sanity... :comeback:
... and I started College again :uh..:

Minna, I miss you :cry:
Is soooo sore. I do not want to go to work tonight. I hope it does not prevent me from doing well at the recital either, I am so nervous.
I was planning to finish my dissertation proposal during weekend but ended up not doing anything noooooooo :cry:
I am so mad I have class tomorrow and in the afternoon as well. so I won't get home until almost 4 p.m. to listen to Kalafina. Ahhhh It won't even come before I leave.
My back clutched today. I hope its just a nerve. Its better but still hurts a little. Out of nowhere. Ouch! :cry:
I am kind of mad that I can't bring myself to like signal. I like some of it, but not all, and it sucks, since it's the first song I really don't like by them. All the others I do. *sigh* Also, headache.
consolation and vol.2 came today but I was originally not going to get home until late so I asked my mom to bring it when she picked me up from school, but then it turned out I went home earlier so now I have to wait till my mom gets home and the suspense is killing me :orz:
^ pat pat. I trust you've listened to it already?

A birdie pooped onto my clothes that I hung out to dry. :blood:

Re-wash again... :uh..:
^ ooooooh I certainly know that feeling :XD:
Althou not anymore since I dont have a job anymore :desksweat:

If I could turn back time this week I would definitely use moments i slept over more cleverly :rain:
Don't... have... enough... bins! *huff huff* :XD: I am going to Office Depot when I'm in organize mode. Even though I only really need ink caterages. Goodbye wallet. The Kalafina cd hasn't even gone through yet. Ugh, I hope I have some money at least for ACen.
Sorry for double post. But I am just a little bit frustrated and mad at my brother. He doesn't consider my feelings, I don't think he even likes watching stuff with me anymore because of his girlfriend. I know it's a terrible thing to think, but still.

Also my back and hand are hurting, and had such strange dreams last night.
My chest hurts for last two days :omg:
The worst thing is its probably cos I dont sleep properly :uh..:
Need to fix that x)