Complain about all!

i am in a gath of some Facebook forums. here is soooo crowded and everybody seems to have fun....

but since i am hikikomori, i am just sitting alone here. uh :uh..:
Managed to find the password for another forum that I've been to, about 5 years ago...then found out my account has been deleted... sad :rain:

Oh, and the :nophoto: weather isn't helping my mood much either. :blood:
^ I could use some warmth by the weather here :uh..:

Rain...rain...Tomorrow is the day d....I....dont...know... :desksweat: :orz:
I have such a terrible back pain and leg pains right now, it's horrible. I am hoping it's better tomorrow so I can go to the gym this time. I keep canceling. Stupid weather change.
I just found about about a discussion forum for school and it apparently needs us to do an individual powerpoint slide, plus a group ppt, on top of the 2 assignments I have due next week! Finished one, was doing the 2nd one when the assignments came in! :blood:

aki said:
/me hugs Megy :touched:
Thank you so much Aki-chan! :touched:
I...I...fell apart..
Now that it actually actually hit me..I..dont know..if I can..bare with least for the time being..
The moments alone are the worst..its hard..not to think of it..althou Im happy about it...I still...need to settle it with myself...I hope for that to settle soon...

Thank you Runa-chan, Varete-chan, for cheering me up..I will never forget your effort :bow:
^I hope you feel better too.

Now I have to work tonight, which isn't too bad since I don't have school tomorrow, but I wanted to go to the gym tonight. Also this dog next door will not shut up.
^ thank you! :bow:
By the some time passing, I shall feel better. But for now, I need to settle :bow:
Megy :omg: idk what's going on (no time to re-read the previous threads ... I'm digging my way out of a mountain of homework) but I hope u feel better soon :bow:
@aki: wanna switch place with me? I'm not drowning but I'm buried in a mountain of homework, rather, a homework (gabbage) dump :blood: Whenever I finish some stuffs, teachers would dump more in :imdead:
Haven't had much time for CPM ... Most of the time I'll just log in to chat, say hi and get away from the pc :cry: Will be away from forum most of the time. It's 3 weeks till finals :omg: :imdead:
/me has lots of news to catch up with later, urg ...
@Megy: I dunno what happened, but...ganbatte! Hope you feel better soon.

@Aki, Wormie: pat pat*

Well, I...don't like having individual supervision by the TL... She's nice and kind and lovely...but...I clam up whenever I'm with her...And last month I actually wept in front of her... :rain: oh, please, don't let it happen again... :cry:
:stupidtable: :voodoo: :stupidbox: :uh..: -that is how my morning went. First the garbage truck came right when I was leaving for school, I already had a headache. But it left luckily before I went out of the garage, but I had forgotten to open the garage, so I had to go back in. Then at school I decided to check my school email and I received one from Gateway saying I cannot graduate since I did not complete one class for the program. ONE class! Come on, I really don't want to have to wait until next year to complete it. Grrrr.

Oh, and I have to go to the dentist in 6 days.
Minna!! :touched:
You are all so kind, thank you so so much!! :touched:
Im feeling a little better but still need some time..
But you all... :touched: :touched:

/me hugs Aki back

casarina26 said:
Struggling with writer's block for essay and homework. GRRR!

:blood: :blood: :blood:

Still struggling. :uh..:

And my brother is on his "cymbals and drums" songs again. I CAN'T CONCENTRATE!
^Good luck! You can do it. I know, when I think about all I have to do for school I lose my mind. (Well, not that there's anything important to lose lol)

I am sooo sore and tired from work the last 2 days. I am going to bed now but I want to stay up. I have not been able to do anything I want to because I've been so tired. ugh... I wish I could pull an allnighter but I just can't right now.
^ I hope you feel better now... Yeah, all-nighters are very taxing... :blood:

I don't like the noise that the estate upgrading program makes. Well I know it's supposed to benefit everyone and all, but...sigh.
^I think the latest (or earliest) I've ever stayed up was 5 a.m., with my friend Lisa watching movies. heh I've never done an all nighter, but I've felt like I have sometimes.

So I am tired again, from not sleeping and headache. Another thing to add to the headache is now I have to take another class in the summer and graduate in the winter. uggh. I want to be done already.
I wrote out a scheduled of what I need to study every day for the next month in preparation for my AP/IB exams :blood:
welcome, my sweet insanity :imdead: