Complain about all!

The most dreaded day of the year...Parent-teacher interviews coming up tomorrow :blood: :orz:

And school is really picking up a lot so I probably won't have time to come here so often during the next six months or so...until after October/late November :cry: :touched:
My earphones just died on me.... having withdrawal symptoms now :blood:
I need my dose of Kalafina and FJ :cry: And school's a b*tch as always :XD:
Liana_Ilia said:
^I think the latest (or earliest) I've ever stayed up was 5 a.m., with my friend Lisa watching movies. heh I've never done an all nighter, but I've felt like I have sometimes.
You remind me that the other day I was on a friends birthday, I came home at 8am, then went to grandma to clean up her place and came home at around 10am and went to sleep. The best is that I niether anyone else didnt plan that at all x) And then I slept over an alarm that was supposed to wake me up for an appointment with friends (I was hour and half late x)) :blood: That was the very first time, I never slept over an alarm :omg: (at least I dont remember)

Cerise said:
And school is really picking up a lot so I probably won't have time to come here so often during the next six months or so...until after October/late November :cry: :touched:
Nooo, not again :cry:
Good luck, I hope you get over with everything :TdT:

Im feeling sick. I mean really. All the cold days and it was ok? But last three days when it got warmer and today was just a beautiful day, and my nose and throat start to pester me?? I mean.. :uh..:
^Yeah, that's not including not being able to fall asleep, at least I tried to go to bed once but because I watched a scary movie I was up for pretty much all night. I was so tired the next day. (This was a looooong time ago)

My teeth hurt since I just went to the dentist. ugh. (It wasn't too bad, actually but still) And it isn't tomorrow yet! Ahhh I'm going to go crazy with anticipation for the Kalafina ticket.
^ Hahaha :XD:
Well, I had some all nighters due to various situations, and some insomnia ones x) Not too much thou. But, yeah, the next day isnt much pretty.
Hope you feel better soon. You remind me that I should go on the regular checkup :uh..:
I had an awesome nap and am feeling better, but back still is kind of achy, and I have to work tonight. I really want to stay home, and I hope it is not a long night like it has been, and I don't get stuck cleaning the popper, since I hate doing it.
^Hope you feel better.

I am not feeling well lately either. I have no energy, I am lazy all the time and want to stay in bed. I think it's about time I go to the doctor. And my back was hurting so bad last night I was in tears. I love work but not when I have to stay so long.
^ /me hugs
Ill feel ok soon. Deal with your health issues, its really not clever ignoring them. Learned it on my own experience..
I'm struggling with my self to stay concentrate (which I failed for million of times) to do my dissertation which due very soon :touched:

/runa slap her self for being a procrastinator and cannot-concentrate-well queen
^ I can't access chat ANYWHERE... :orz:

Oh, and I have a report due in 2 days and I don't have any mood to do it yet...oh nooo... :omg:
And there have been so many spambots on lately posting weird things. heh

Still kind of headachy and feel meh today. Not as bad as yesterday, but still. I want to get over whatever this is. I am almost done with this semester, but still have one more to go. Ugh. I want to be done.

^ get well soon!

valeriana runa said:
I'm struggling with my self to stay concentrate (which I failed for million of times) to do my dissertation which due very soon :touched:

/runa slap her self for being a procrastinator and cannot-concentrate-well queen
Exactly.that. (about my studying) :uh..:
Is not having the best of days so far. Has been crying for the last hour because of things that have been happening. I just want to crawl into a ball right now and stay there for the rest of the week.
^ woah, should know the feeling. Get well soon!

Yes, Im really happy for the beautiful weather. And today I was reminded of one more wonders of the spring: hovering pollen! Maniacal sneezing, welcome back!
^*sigh* I wish I could go there too.

Is feeling just :uh..: today. I wanted to be okay for dinner tonight with my mom and aunt (it's her birthday), so hopefully I will be but not sure. This is such a weird feeling.