Complain about all!

^And just all of the hate and suffering going on in the world right now. It just makes me sad every day to hear more and more bad things happen. All I can do is pray and hope for peace.

I just had this really good s'mores dippers thing where you dip the graham cracker in frosting and then in chocolate chips. Not the most healthiest as I am trying to watch what I eat, but they got rid of the other s'mores things that I like that were a little healthier. Darn it.

Also I don't seem to be managing my time well lately. I have so much I want to do but it then ends up to be night all of a sudden. I mean, yes, a lot of it has to do with pain. But still. I seem to lose time even if I wake up early. Ugh. I want to be able to just stop time for about a week, that way I can get stuff done. Also it's going to take forever to pack up my room to move to the other room. I have a lot I want to sell too. *sigh*
No matter how much we hate these kinds of things though, they will always be around and the only thing we can do is to talk about something good that can make us set aside our differences, like Pokemon GO for instance?

Yeah, I know how it is now making rounds in Australia, NZ, and the US. Anyone who have downloaded this game and played it for days now? I can only complain for now why is it not available on more countries yet, including mine, but I understand that Niantic needs to fix more problems so that it can have a smooth transition to more countries. The wait is killing me day by day though as I see social media posts about it. :/
Considering there was an announcement yesterday that they're delaying the UK release of Pokemon Go until the servers are fixed and up to scratch, I can agree with this.
Everyone around me is really into Pokemon GO, but my phone's not smart enough. :cry:
Honestly the down servers in Pokemon Go are really annoying. I'm always thinking: "Maybe I'll walk to the shop in a couple days to buy some ingredients and make this new recipe. Then I'll FINALLY hatch this new 10km egg I got from a Pokestop"

THEN THE SERVERS WILL GO DOWN. And every time I check what server it is 2/3 times it's not Australia's designated server. It's the game's main hub server. Also beware, the app guzzles power faster than any other app I've ever used. I literally bought a portable charger SPECIFICALLY for Pokemon Go.

It gets me outside though and that's really hard to do with my cerebral palsy. I get pretty exhausted after like 2.5km, one day of late night shopping and my feet ache for about a week. Walking is nice though, provided there is a lack of steep hills and un-even paving.

Speaking of steep hills. Gravity was carrying me and I lost my balance trying to move out if the way for a large group of people and I kinda fell. Apparently I fell really hard because I fell on top of my 3DS and I got screen pressure damage. Thankfully it's only in the bottom corner and it doesn't harm text boxes since all the text I've come across never seems to be left or right centered. I'm counting my blessing with that one, screen pressure is an absolute bitch and seems to stick to me like glue. I broke my old laptop with pressure damage (thankfully not fall related) and after getting that replaced my new laptop and I tripped over someones foot at the start of the year and and exterior piece broke off in the corner, so now there's black electrical tape there to protect all the important computer parts and hold the ACTUAL broken part together. That happened like 5 months ago.
Honestly the down servers in Pokemon Go are really annoying. I'm always thinking: "Maybe I'll walk to the shop in a couple days to buy some ingredients and make this new recipe. Then I'll FINALLY hatch this new 10km egg I got from a Pokestop"

THEN THE SERVERS WILL GO DOWN. And every time I check what server it is 2/3 times it's not Australia's designated server. It's the game's main hub server.
One thing that may work for the servers is to try closing the app (and killing it) then re-opening it. This has worked for me a few times, especially when my connection isn't that good. Granted this may not work if the server is down, but if it's unstable it should work.
Ugh... I used to be into Pokemon, not so much anymore. I don't know what happened. I used to collect the cards like crazy, of course I knew how to play the card game too. I don't think I will ever get into Pokemon Go.

I have just been frustrated with everything today. With being tired all the time, in pain all the time, everything that has been happening in the world. I think I want to just freeze the world, implant chips in everyone's brain so that they are kind, loving, compassionate, respectful, etc. human beings. Also I wish I would be better at the violin. I know I could have practiced more when I wasn't in so much pain. I just played sapphire now and i don't know... I don't want Yuki to cringe at it. *sigh* :spotlight::XD:
I just played sapphire now and i don't know... I don't want Yuki to cringe at it. *sigh* :spotlight::XD:

It's the thought that counts. No one becomes a musical goddess in one day. Not even the FJ/Kalafina members. Keiko couldn't even read sheet music when she started, but look at her now.

I'm sure Kaijura will appreciate it
^Thanks! Going to try again tonight, since I messed up on it last night. I had the vibrato perfect too, or as good as it will get for me right now. (Without a teacher, and I am not sure I want one right now with my shoulder since I can't practice as much.) I hope I feel good enough too so that I'm not all shaky.
Since we're on the topic of Pokemon Go, it seems appropriate to add my thoughts/complaints on it here.

Being aware of your surroundings and not trespassing into private property are naturally important for a game such as this. But I find it astonishing how many people and the media are trying to blame the game itself for the accidents that have happened recently. Like with any game or activity, it is the responsibility of the people playing it to ensure they stay safe and responsible with how they play it, but instead think the game's developer (Niantic) is to blame for the accidents a few people have been in, when they were not careful with their surroundings.

Pokemon Go is great for many people like me, for getting out, getting exercise from it. Especially for someone like me who is normally on their Computer 24/7 not going outside at all except for work or to eat. It is safe as long as you are careful of your surroundings which the game itself even alerts you to.:sohappy:

On another note, It's very difficult for me to enter chatrooms on the Internet and participate in them, whether from watching a Streamer, or from a section of a Forum that has chat. I'm not sure exactly what it is for me, but it could be that I'm just not good at all with randomly talking about random jokes and posting memes like many other people seem to like to do in chatrooms or even normal threads on other forums. When the discussions in chat turn to randomness and "memespeak" it always makes me nervous to participate as I'm never sure how I can enter in the middle of conversations such as those. The only way I've been comfortable to participate in a Stream chat recently is how I have a close friend online who's in the chat and helps me feel welcome there, and even then, the Chat I participate in only has 10-20 members and isn't anything huge like a Stream with 100-1000s of viewers. I almost get a heart attack just from watching how quick chat flows in those types of Stream chats, and would never be able to finish my thoughts writing them out, before the chat moves onto a new topic.:desksweat:
It´s too hot here. So hot I can´t sleep. Well, actually so hot I can´t do anything. This is driving me crazy. I just wanna sleep in an ice bed or something like that.
I miss winter so much =(
It was pretty hot today. Not as bad as yesterday, but I feel bad for my brother and dad that had to put a heavy arcade game on a palette. Yuck.

For some reason I have been really tired, or should I say more tired? I get this wave of tiredness I call it over my eyes and I can't stay awake. Then when I go to lie down, then I am awake. Grr. Also just recorded sapphire... such as it is.
Sigh. Being moved from the afternoon to the morning flight on the return of your vacation, after having arranged days off / hotels / everything, wasn't too bad - only one vacation day missed. The fact that the outbound flight departed with 4 hours of delay was bad. But the fact that our return flight departed with 5 hours of delay just made me never want to fly this airline again (Astra).
There is a fly... in my room! Ugh. I hate it when they fly right into your ear. I wish it would just go in the hallway or something.
Got blood on one of my Kala shirts. Thankfully it was a black shirt and seems to have come out.

The insulting thing is it was my own blood and it came out of a mosquito bastard that had just fed off me.
Blood comes out most easily when it's fresh. Just rinse it with cold water before washing it normally.
That moment when you're extremely tired but you have a social event that you're forced to go to... :faint: just let me sleep plz

Also school is starting in a week :vortex: