Complain about all!

I lost my ring again! Gosh darn it. (For lack of better words) :comeback::cry::voodoo::faint: I fear it is gone for good this time. Since I have looked everywhere for it. It really sucks because it is a ring that I have been wearing pretty much nonstop from the time I got it North Carolina. So I can't just up and go to the store. Plus they don't have an online store. Ugh. I am so mad right now.
My Budokan DVDs have somehow disappeared. I have no clue where they went. They can't have gone far though. Their around the house somewhere
So my headphones have blown out, again
Right one completely stopped today around Lesson 5. That's another $45 down the drain to get a new pair of good quality ones on the weekend. And it's only been 6 months since my last pair too. Honestly I'm bewildered by the fact they've actually lasted this long especially since the wires have been haywire since about the third month.

January I really noticed though, I had to turn my jack to get both sides to play for like an hour and the remote's wires were screwing everything up. For one the remote itself just stopped and other times even when it wasn't in use it would make songs speed up/ slow down/ stop. Whenever I walked anywhere the cord would get touched so my right ear played no sound, making me have to take it out of my pocket and re-adjust it, hell even when it was in my hand it would do that.

I remember when they were brand new. I could play music at a volume 10 on my laptop and it'd be amazing, now to get to the same level it can be anywhere for 50 to 70. I've literally been trying to preserve these headphones for so long

And now I have to go an entire 24 hours with left ear only sound. Thank Christ I'm free this weekend. I'm going to go down to that big ass, sheepy, popular store show them my god-damn docket from August and complain, I'm gonna complain. If I don't get a discount I'm going to be mad.
I don't want to keep doing homework right now, I just want sleep to take me in it's sweet embrace.

I don't want to write a script on conflict in drama, I don't even want to continue in the subject next year. I'm just gonna steal the plot of Red Moon and blast my way through it, if my friend literally stole a scene from an ACTUAL movie instead of writing one then surely I can base my story off a song, Ooo Fairytale would be a better song to base it off then. Fairytale it is!

Goddammit why is procrastination so seductive and addicting??
[EDIT: I ended up pasting the lyrics for dialogue, the instructions say the conflict must have a resolution but :knife: The death of a lover and thus no resolution is far more interesting right??]
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(Found my ring, btw. It was under my covers. Of all places. heh) I have a bad headache, probably due to this cold. Which I have a sore throat too. Ugh. I hate being sick. It feels like I'm more sick than not. I don't know what not sick feels like anymore. I also wish I could endure longer car rides. But with my back and especially my shoulder right now, it is pretty hard on me. I was hurting all the way home last night from my sister's. And we have a hockey game that I really want to go to on Sat. My brother and his fiance are coming too, so I may be sitting in the front. But still. I could go on road trips with my cousin then. *sigh*
I wish I had more time to make hand-made gifts to Kalafina. I want to give them things made by myself, something unique that no one besides me could create.

I asked my mother to make "rag dolls" but they are looking a little awkward to me... I hope when I put the clothes and hair, their appearance become better. :wai:
@LacrimosaRaven You have headphone troubles too!? My headphones only seem to last for 6 months to a year. Granted, I tend to get cheaper ones, but mostly because I've never had luck with better ones working with my glasses.
My proxy service took ages to confirm my order and then told me that they failed to get the XL dark grey hoodie and the live photobook from SpaceCraft despite me putting my order in within 5 minutes of the store updating. Those hoodies were available on the site for a good few hours before they sold out as well, so I am pissed off. Now I know that, and the XL blue and L dark grey ones are sold out as well, so there's no way I'll be getting one in the colour I want. Also, I'll need to wait until they recieve and ship out my postcard file and postcard set before I'll get my 7000~ yen back, meanwhile I'll have to pay another 5700 to order a L oatmeal hoodie and hope that they actually manage to get it this time.

Good news is I guess I'll end up getting about 20k yen or so back after all these orders have gone through and completed, buuuuut there's another two items I want at auction right now, and I don't know how much they'll go for, it's possible that I'll need to put yet another 30k down for them just to ensure I have a good chance, which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't going to be getting that 20k back long after I need to make these payments. On top of that, I can't directly send money from my paypal to my bank, so my account is running lower and yet my paypal wallet will be getting bigger. Now, that's useful for online payments, but not for anything else.
How do you have so much moneyz

Why can't arcgis have a Mac ver. Why does Windows have to be such a pain (just spent two hours trying to install this thing)
I don't have that much money, I just don't really spend it on anything other than Kalafina stuff. I rarely drink and don't smoke either, which are common money sinks a lot of people have.
^That is good. I pretty much do the same thing. I mean, the Kala stuff. I wish I had more so I could get as much as you have. (Though I know you have some stuff from the live show *jealous*) And I wish I could start saving now to go to Japan. I really should.

Headache today. I was hoping the pool would help with that too since it is heated. I wish I could spend more time in it, I spent about an hr today and I'm pretty tired all around. Also I think they changed the banana Hi-Chew. I love them so much but now they kind of taste like banana laffy taffy's. Which is okay, I guess. I still like them but I liked them better before. I am also kind of worried about the hockey game tomorrow night. I don't want to be in pain the whole time and I'm hoping that the pool helped enough today that I won't be, but long car rides are hard on me. I am able to sit in the front, but still.
God I hate when they chance the taste of things I love. There was a really nice squash I used to drink a ton and then they changed it a few years ago, it tastes awful since the change and I haven't had it for years. It's nearly as bad as limited edition food that's amazing and then disappears forever.

I still don't have any confirmation from my proxy for my backup order of one of the Kala hoodies and since every colour in any size I can use is listed as sold out on the store now, I'm probably screwed.
Don't talk to me about limited edition food, Limited edition Red Reock Deli chips are my favourite thing in the world.

Recently our canteen changed hands, Lorna and the lady who thought my drums were feet are gone and now a lady who looks like my reception teacher and some other secret shadowy figure are running it. I do prefer the change though, food is a lot better, better hot food options, healthy ones. I only just realised they now serve actual focaccia and not the pizza that Lorna always called focaccia, no wonder I've been so confused.
Another major problem is that there's not enough food to go round. 800 students all want a piece of the good hot food and many people don't place lunch orders. It makes my life a living hell because when im too lazy to make lunch there's nothing nutritious left in there. The only way to get food is to line up in the long ass line before changing for PE, that leaves me no time to change.

The last problem is that they pack everything up 15 minutes before lunch ends which means that I have to feel like a fat glutton piece of crap for grabbing the chips again.

I left my hat on the school bus by mistake (I could've sworn I brought it home) Mr Mac decided to put it in Student Services since the tag read a different name to mine (being second hand), the problem is once something goes INTO Student Services it doesn't come OUT. and that means one of these days I'm going to get detention unless Student Services magically finds it or I say I need one for an excursion and steal it. Notes can only suffice for so long.
Ugh, I can not stand my f*cking dad. He apparently never takes other peoples' opinions into his decisions and actions, and does stuff involving things that either I'm currently using or that I own without asking. I was trying to do something on the computer using a program that's only available on it (I was actually doing something for @LacrimosaRaven), and here's what he does: He moves the desk that the computer is on. In doing that, the cord that connects it to the monitor comes out, and bends way too much to be put back in. He then acts like it was my fault that the monitor cord broke (My reaction in my mind: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! :omgz::kungfu:). Luckily I was able to put the monitor cord back in by tearing off the bent metal thing, but it still doesn't change the fact. He's also put a fucking shitty internet block for my iPod/Kindle (all mobile devices I have) so the second it becomes 11 PM, I cannot access the internet whatsoever until 8 AM the next morning, EVEN ON WEEKENDS :voodoo::stupidtable:. When I go to talk to him about it, he absolutely refuses to negotiate at all. All he says is "You shouldn't be on the internet at that time", and then he started ignoring me when I asked why. If he's worried about me watching porn or whatever, then he can just put a filter on the internet (which is already on there; besides I think porn is disgusting so I have no reason to watch it). Though I can see what perspective he's coming from, it's a really old-fashioned and now irrational perspective. What I mainly did during the time was mainly listen to music off YT (or another site), and maybe watch an occasional anime episode or two. I know that I'm not someone who can stay up until 3 AM watching anime, because I don't have enough stamina at all (I've tried and didn't make it past 1:45). I'm thinking of rooting my kindle and ipod so that I can change the MAC address and bypass the block ( I know it blocks via mac address).

Sorry for my cursing :bow:
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Ugh, I can not stand my f*cking dad. He apparently never takes other peoples' opinions into his decisions and actions, and does stuff involving things that either I'm currently using or that I own without asking. I was trying to do something on the computer using a program that's only available on it (I was actually doing something for @LacrimosaRaven), and here's what he does: He moves the desk that the computer is on. In doing that, the cord that connects it to the monitor comes out, and bends way too much to be put back in. He then acts like it was my fault that the monitor cord broke (My reaction in my mind: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! :omgz::kungfu:). Luckily I was able to put the monitor cord back in by tearing off the bent metal thing, but it still doesn't change the fact. He's also put a fucking shitty internet block for my iPod/Kindle (all mobile devices I have) so the second it becomes 11 PM, I cannot access the internet whatsoever until 8 AM the next morning, EVEN ON WEEKENDS :voodoo::stupidtable:. When I go to talk to him about it, he absolutely refuses to negotiate at all. All he says is "You shouldn't be on the internet at that time", and then he started ignoring me when I asked why. If he's worried about me watching porn or whatever, then he can just put a filter on the internet (which is already on there; besides I think porn is disgusting so I have no reason to watch it). Though I can see what perspective he's coming from, it's a really old-fashioned and now irrational perspective. What I mainly did during the time was mainly listen to music off YT (or another site), and maybe watch an occasional anime episode or two. I know that I'm not someone who can stay up until 3 AM watching anime, because I don't have enough stamina at all (I've tried and didn't make it past 1:45). I'm thinking of rooting my kindle and ipod so that I can change the MAC address and bypass the block ( I know it blocks via mac address).

Sorry for my cursing :bow:
My dad can be quite similar. Once, because I was on my phone and I laughed at something a friend texted me he unplugged the router and took the router out of the house, it took 6 months for him to give it back, until then I was stuck at school from 8:30 AM to 3:30 to 5PM doing homework.
Ugh... now I'm at the end of the cold where the cough isn't really a cough, it's more of an annoyance. Why won't you just go away? *sigh* Luckily I wasn't coughing so badly. And headache today. I don't do anything for Valentine's Day anyways (single... *sigh* seeing my brother and his fiance last night just reminded me again that I miss my first boyfriend, whom I didn't go out with for very long, but still, he was such a nice guy, and then he moved) but going out to eat later with the parents and I want to feel good enough. I have certain times now when my side will be bad. Usually around 2 pm and again at 5, and then again at 7 or 8. And it'll last for a good couple of hours each time. Sometimes it varies though. I want to be done with PT and have a life again. Just to be able to play the violin for longer than 5 mins at a time would be great. Even that is hard. I don't know. I feel like quitting until PT is over with, but my teacher is retiring in May sooo... yeah, I'm torn. Sorry, just kind of in a self pitying mood right now.
Ugh... now I'm at the end of the cold where the cough isn't really a cough, it's more of an annoyance. Why won't you just go away?

That stage of the Cold truly does become just a nuisance at that point. I also caught a cold last week and am still on the sneezing my nose to oblivion part. My main complaint being the massive amount of tissues gone through in a day. At least 2 full boxes of tissues used up in a day. Haven't begun coughing to oblivion yet, but it will likely happen and that is the worst stage indeed.

Another big thing that has been annoying for sometime is how some people complain about a game being too difficult then asking the Developers to "nerf" that part of the game if Developers make frequent updates for a game. It is even worse when that part of the game is from a "Hard" difficulty or above on a game and people don't seem to understand what Hard Difficulty means if they aren't expecting to struggle through it to the end. It becomes especially irritating as well when people insist just increasing the Stats of Monsters such as Health Points and Attack in a game is only "Fake Difficulty", ignoring that the point is to make enemies take longer to defeat and give you less room for error which is the point of making enemies stronger and increasing the game's difficulty.
Hah, I can get behind you on that. People shouldn't really complain if something is hard if they're playing on hard. It's called that for reason, even if a lot of games these days have hard difficulties that barely even qualify for a challenge for me. I like a good challenge, that's why I play on the harder difficulties. If it's a well designed game then it'll be tough, but not cheap. Cheap difficulty I can understand people complaining about, but that shouldn't have anything to do with difficulty levels, just awkward and unbalanced game mechanics. The best example I can think of cheap difficulty is from the recent added difficulty in the remaster of the Uncharted games for PS4:

No chance to avoid damage directly after a QTE and you die in two hits. It's possible, but mostly through sheer luck. That is not well implemented difficulty. Still, whilst a lot of games fall into that trap, a lot also do it the right way and just make things challenging without feeling cheap. Even some of the games people consider to be really tough like Super Meat Boy are actually very well scaled, there's only a handful of levels which could be considered unfair (all of which are optional and only arguably unfair at that), the rest just require a high level of skill.

My complaint of the day is having an auction for a To the Beginning Animate bonus poster end prematurely at auction, causing someone else to win it early for a mere 810 yen. I was bidding on something else at the time and planning to go for that afterwards and was willing to pay vastly more than that.
On the difficulty thing, a problem I find is a steep learning curve, i'd never complain too much though. Just train harder since I'm not the draw's sharpest knife, but if things go from a 0-10 real fast I do get agitated *looks at Bravely Default* Honestly though it's more my skill level than an error on a dev's part.