I Insidia Guest Jun 15, 2013 #2,001 I wish. XD I can snore on demand though. Have you ever did something that you regret?
Kugayama Moderator Jun 15, 2013 #2,002 Far too often. Have you ever thanked yourself for doing something that at the time seemed crazy but turned out well?
Far too often. Have you ever thanked yourself for doing something that at the time seemed crazy but turned out well?
aki I have reached Yuki nirvana Jun 19, 2013 #2,003 can't say I remember if I have Have you ever been doing something, then looked at the clock and found that it was hours later than you thought it was?
can't say I remember if I have Have you ever been doing something, then looked at the clock and found that it was hours later than you thought it was?
I ImmortalBirdcage Guest Jun 19, 2013 #2,004 definitely whenever electronics are involved, i forgot all passage of time @____@ whether it's browsing reddit or playing video games... and sometimes i forget to eat, too, which is bad on weekends/days off, do you like to stay in and rest?
definitely whenever electronics are involved, i forgot all passage of time @____@ whether it's browsing reddit or playing video games... and sometimes i forget to eat, too, which is bad on weekends/days off, do you like to stay in and rest?
C casarina26 Guest Jun 20, 2013 #2,005 I would prefer that to running about under the hot sun. Have you influenced anyone to Yuki's music?
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Jun 21, 2013 #2,006 A very little number of my friends.. Do you like spending time in nature?
Kugayama Moderator Jun 21, 2013 #2,007 Like when you can walk for hours and not see or hear anyone else?
C casarina26 Guest Jun 23, 2013 #2,009 Well I love to sit in the benches overlooking the canal near my aunt's home cos the pic opposite is so scenic... But it's getting demolished soon...
Well I love to sit in the benches overlooking the canal near my aunt's home cos the pic opposite is so scenic... But it's getting demolished soon...
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Jun 23, 2013 #2,010 ^ Aw, thats horrible! I hate when things like that happen.. ps, you forgot to post the question
C casarina26 Guest Jun 24, 2013 #2,011 Umm..oops! Okay: Have you had a time when you were very upset?
I Insidia Guest Jun 24, 2013 #2,012 That happened sometime ago in the past, before I found Kalafina. Do you dream often?
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Jun 24, 2013 #2,013 Pretty much. And its often interesting to tell them if I remember them Do you like summer?
aki I have reached Yuki nirvana Jun 25, 2013 #2,014 if it weren't so hot all the time... Have you ever sung a non YK song in Kajiurago? (if you haven't, try it. It's quite fun)
if it weren't so hot all the time... Have you ever sung a non YK song in Kajiurago? (if you haven't, try it. It's quite fun)
I Insidia Guest Jun 26, 2013 #2,015 ^ How? I've never done that before. I'll probably sound like a mad man murmuring incantations. Potato. Yea or nay? ilovepotato
^ How? I've never done that before. I'll probably sound like a mad man murmuring incantations. Potato. Yea or nay? ilovepotato
I ImmortalBirdcage Guest Jun 26, 2013 #2,016 mashed potatoes are my favorite western food... i had them last night do you like flowers?
C casarina26 Guest Jun 27, 2013 #2,017 Certain types I like. Some I absolutely abhor. Do you have a driver's license? ^ your avatar is it Jigoku Shoujo (Ai)?
Certain types I like. Some I absolutely abhor. Do you have a driver's license? ^ your avatar is it Jigoku Shoujo (Ai)?
Kugayama Moderator Jun 27, 2013 #2,018 One for driving cars only. Do you have any other kind of licence?
C Coral Guest Jun 28, 2013 #2,020 Reading, singing, painting... sky diving. No, that last one is a lie. I'm a boring person. Are you fluent in a language that's not English?
Reading, singing, painting... sky diving. No, that last one is a lie. I'm a boring person. Are you fluent in a language that's not English?