Avoid saying "yes" or "no" - game!

I wish. XD I can snore on demand though.

Have you ever did something that you regret?
can't say I remember if I have

Have you ever been doing something, then looked at the clock and found that it was hours later than you thought it was?
definitely whenever electronics are involved, i forgot all passage of time @____@ whether it's browsing reddit or playing video games... and sometimes i forget to eat, too, which is bad :uh..:

on weekends/days off, do you like to stay in and rest?
I would prefer that to running about under the hot sun.

Have you influenced anyone to Yuki's music?
A very little number of my friends..

Do you like spending time in nature?
Well I love to sit in the benches overlooking the canal near my aunt's home cos the pic opposite is so scenic...

But it's getting demolished soon... :orz:
^ Aw, thats horrible! I hate when things like that happen..

ps, you forgot to post the question
That happened sometime ago in the past, before I found Kalafina.

Do you dream often?
Pretty much. And its often interesting to tell them if I remember them :XD:

Do you like summer?
if it weren't so hot all the time...

Have you ever sung a non YK song in Kajiurago? (if you haven't, try it. It's quite fun)
How? I've never done that before.
I'll probably sound like a mad man murmuring incantations.

Potato. Yea or nay? ilovepotato
mashed potatoes are my favorite western food... :shy: :dote: :sohappy: i had them last night :ohoho:

do you like flowers?
Certain types I like. Some I absolutely abhor.

Do you have a driver's license?

^ your avatar is it Jigoku Shoujo (Ai)?
Reading, singing, painting... sky diving. No, that last one is a lie. I'm a boring person.

Are you fluent in a language that's not English?