
and why did they made new PV for Memoria

As I wrote before, my new single "Cobalt Sky" has been out today, and we've got a brand new special project here!
Please read the sentence below and send us your "Cobalt Sky" photo!
Don't you think it will be so nice if the blue sky around the world gathered in one video?
Let's make a wonderful "Cobalt Sky" video together!
[Send your photo & watch video from here] ... sky_slide/
[Eir Aoi Official Website]
Celebrating Eir Aoi's "Cobalt Sky" Release - <Automa Video>
[Post YOUR "Cobalt Sky" photo, and be a part of the song!!]
We are proud to announce an exciting project to celebrate Eir Aoi's new single "Cobalt Sky".
It's a special project which anyone can join, and it's called "Post YOUR "Cobalt Sky" photo, and be a part of the song!!".
Here's how it works. You will shoot a photo of a "Blue Sky (Cobalt Sky)".
This could be the blue sky you see from your room window, from your favorite place, or from any other ordinary scenes you experience.
Just shoot your favorite "Blue Sky (Cobalt Sky)" photo and send it to our project e-mail address mentioned on the special site.
The photos will be collected will be automatically played on the special site.
Wouldn't it be great to see a "Cobalt Sky" video made with blue sky photos, not only from Japan, but also from around the world?!
Each video will be updated with latest photo submission, which means that the video you see may vary from time to time.
This "Automa Video" will be very similar to the sky you see... you will not have a chance to see the exact same thing!
We are excited to see the blue sky photos submitted by you.
Let's create the greatest "Cobalt Sky"... a beautiful blue sky like Aoi's theme color!
Don't miss it!
Vevo, LLC (stylized vevo) is a joint venture music video website operated by Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and Abu Dhabi Media with EMI licensing its content to the group without taking an ownership stake. The service was launched officially on December 8, 2009. The videos on Vevo are syndicated across the web, with Google and Vevo sharing the advertising revenue.
Vevo offers music videos from three of the "big four" major record labels: Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, and now-defunct EMI. Warner Music Group was initially reported to be considering hosting its content on Vevo, but subsequently formed a rival alliance with MTV Networks. There are more than 50,000 videos available on Vevo.