Animelo Summer Live 2014 -ONENESS-

Anisama live footage is being aired on TV in multiple parts. The airing schedule lists kalafina so we can rest assured that they're not getting cut. What am I saying. The producer already talked about kalafina when editing the video. Doh. Of course they weren't cut.

According to an airing schedule I saw on Twitter, kalafina's part will air on the 30th of November (presumably the main part) and on the 7th of December (presumably the collab theme song). It's an hour long for each part so don't expect to hear every song.
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^ I think that there is finally the realisation from Sony that anison works better when collaborations across different companies / management can take place and not get cut from videos.
here's vol.3 but I've combed through it at least three times and don't see Kalafina anywhere o_o

EDIT: I guess they're just in the final song somewhere @58:17
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yattaaa thankssss <3

But it's a shame that they're only in the end :( sigh
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I'm not sure what to expect in next week's highlights since at the end of the 3rd programme they mention:

GranRodeo, IdolM@ster, angela, Peach Maki, but not Kalafina.
I'm not sure what to expect in next week's highlights since at the end of the 3rd programme they mention:

GranRodeo, IdolM@ster, angela, Peach Maki, but not Kalafina.
Believe in the programme schedule listing! First day was split into the first half and second half in performance order so I assume the second day would be the same.
The more I listen to RE:BRIDGE the more I think the girls really stand out even among those great artists. I'd like to listen to a full version by them :love: Those harmonies :dote: Does domeone know if Minami Kuribayashi was ill or something like that? She seems not to feel well xD
^ I haven't read Minami Kuribayashi's blog or anything but should do to see if she was feeling unwell at the time.

In case you didn't know, the song Re:Bridge - Return to One's Self is by:
Lyrics: Masami Okui
Composition: Minami Kuribayashi
which is presumablly why if Minami Kuribayashi is present, she is the first singer in the song.
Ohh I didn't know that! Thank you! I asked because in a couple of shots she seems like she's absent minded.
Blu-ray release announced (apparently no more DVD releases?):

「Animelo Summer Live 2014 -ONENESS-」のBlu-ray発売が2015年3月25日(水)に決定!総勢56組のアーティストによるアニサマ2014の模様を各日Blu-ray2枚組完全収録 #anisama


アニサマ2014Blu-rayは3日間の全公演楽曲をノーカットで収録した完全版!舞台裏に密着した大ボリュームのバックステージ映像も見逃せません!初回特典には、アニサマ2015最速チケット先行抽選応募券封入も! #anisama

These two tweets seem to indicate that the release of the Animelo Summer Live 2014 videos will be complete and uncut (only the second year that this has happened, previous was for 2010).

アニメソング史上最大の祭典 アニメロサマーライブ2014 Vol.4

世界最大級アニソン祭典 地獄の沙汰オールスターズ 阿仁尊地獄篇/ピーチ・マキ/アイドルマスター/アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ/アイドルマスターミリオンスターズ/Kalafina/喜多村英梨/angela/GRANRODEO/FLOW/ももいろクローバーZ/三森すずこ/三澤紗千香/fhana/堀江由衣/堀江美都子/栗林みな実/アニサマオールスターズ 8月30日さいたまスーパーアリーナで収録

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Uuum grunty idk where have you been all this time because they have worn those outfits since their heavenly blue and Best Album releases. They first wore the outfits at Kimi no Gin special live on June, iirc. And there are quite a lot performances showing them with those outfits. One of them is the Nicovideo event live and iirc you said that you watched it. I'm kinda surprised you just said your opinion about the outfits now - since they're outdated. But yeah, the outfits are ugly.
Guess I never paid attention to them in the HB nico live and haven't seen any other events so... :)