^ Am ok with season 2. But what makes it less interesting is that now Inaho needs to think less with that mechanical eye of his, so it needs less tricks to win the battles. And the other earthling characters are more or less useless in battle, Earth is still Vars free thanks to Inaho lol. I was happy to see that captain die.
About Hiroyuki and Yuki (nice pun): I think that Sawano is good but he tends to be even more repeatitive than Kajiura when composing. All his songs have a certain type of drumming in them and all his singers are shouting / screaming in the songs, which i know that makes the songs more emotional (and that really fit Attack on Titan), but it has started becoming boring to see it in songs of his across many anime. Its the same for his tension battle bgms which also follow some rules. I doubt they would ask Kajiura for a track since she isnt involved with the project at all if you except heavenly blue, and Kalafina are now planning their album. If the title song will have a tie-in it wont be for this because Sawano is in change for all insert songs when he composes for an anime, and OP and ED are taken. If we compare with previous season, they arent going to change them
About Hiroyuki and Yuki (nice pun): I think that Sawano is good but he tends to be even more repeatitive than Kajiura when composing. All his songs have a certain type of drumming in them and all his singers are shouting / screaming in the songs, which i know that makes the songs more emotional (and that really fit Attack on Titan), but it has started becoming boring to see it in songs of his across many anime. Its the same for his tension battle bgms which also follow some rules. I doubt they would ask Kajiura for a track since she isnt involved with the project at all if you except heavenly blue, and Kalafina are now planning their album. If the title song will have a tie-in it wont be for this because Sawano is in change for all insert songs when he composes for an anime, and OP and ED are taken. If we compare with previous season, they arent going to change them