Warning: prepare yourselves for the wall of text that follows, I tend to rant, gush and generally babble on a lot, so just bear with me! And try to decipher my unintelligible gibberish at some points...and also you should probably note that I'm ridiculously biased towards Kalafina even though I tried to be impartial. But probably failed. Because I typed this up soon after watching After Eden and I was still high on Kala-love~ (still am, actually)

(see, I'm ranting again

OKAY. So, I finally managed to sit down and watch the After Eden Bluray (with my friend at her house) and overall, it was a lot better than I expected (what with the doom-and-gloom reviews of Wakana)...

love love love love loved it~ They were great, everyone was on spot~ I would say more but it'd just be meaningless gushing
in your eyes: love how they just casually whipped off their skirt bottoms at this point

lol Hiichan looks so cute when she strains high notes compared to how Wakana tends look utterly anguished when she strains....the choreo made me (and my friend) crack up. Overall, pretty good - Hikaru was better in the first verse + chorus for me (started straining in the second verse, but she was so CUTE~!) and I didn't mind Keiko's cute voice ,were entertaining, though
storia: more love love love

they were all pretty much spot-on (come to think of it, I don't think I have seen a bad live version of this song

neverending: Oh mai gawd Hikaru's voice is sooo amazing in this song

I think she sounds her best in this one~ The other two were also okay, but Hiichan really stood out vocally for me in this one...oh, and the lalalalalalala part was super nice
Kotonoha: I definitely like the live version over the recorded, but I think in both Hikaru sounds better than Wakana does on this sort of ballad. Wakana doesn't really round off the shorter notes as well as Hikaru does but even so, I actually think her voice sounded nicer live than in the album
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa: first of all, lolwut Hikaru

she looked like she was performing a medieval church ritual or something with the candles and the table ahahahaha (it was creepy how the table and robe magically disappeared by the end of the song, though

Anyway, I LOVED the performance of this song, Wakana and Keiko were so BEAUTIFULLLLLL

and Wakana also did better on the kajiurago than the last Kagayaku live I saw...Keiko's solo was amazing...and of course Hikaru sounds ten times better in this live than in the recording. Not only in this song but in general I think, her voice has gotten much smoother and less harsh.

She's improved so much!
red moon: Ahhh...definitely the beginning of Wakana's slow and painful deterioration...

I actually prefer this version of red moon to the 2010 one, though, because even though Wakana at times was starting to look very stressed, I reckon she sounded more powerful in this one than the 2010 live. So yeah, no complaints about the singing, just...it was

for me to see her face sometimes

Keiko's solo at the end was so WOWWWW

(And lol Hikaru is SO melodramatic with the face-touching

adore: Oh Wacchan

Okay, so it wasn't as awful and painful as I envisioned...I still loved this live performance and I think Wakana did pretty well except for a few notes here and there in the middle and towards the end of the song...I was curious to see how they'd split the singing up since in the recorded version, Wakana's voice is layered quite a lot over herself...looks like they gave the last line of her verses to Hikaru so that she could sing the kajiurago, though, and Hikaru did a decent job covering Wacchan's lines. And even though she was struggling I still think Wakana managed to sing the kajiurago with mroe power than in the recording.
Kugatsu: Similary with Kotonoha, I think these sorts of ballads with shorter notes suit Hikaru's voice more than Wakana. So yes, I think Hikaru sounded best again in this song. And Wakana's falsetto was okay, I guess. It wasn't 'ugly' for me, though, it was just seemed sharper than her usual falsetto, so it stood out.
sandpiper: Ohmigod I love this song! My friend loved it too! (she's a hardcore kpop fan lol...so it was nice to see

) Unfortunately Wakana wasn't as powerful as I would have liked her to be in that amazing second chorus that I am in love with (but Hitoshiiiiiii

ahhhh~~~~ love you, man~~) Hikaru's for some reason didn't sound as deep live as in the recorded version for this song, though

which I found strange...the dramatic walking in the bridge amused me, though. But the girls looked so beautiful and cool~
Magia: I think the harmony was good this time round! Hikaru and Keiko were epic and awesome

Wakana managed decently, though she sounded quite forced in some parts...Keiko's solo was good
magnolia: I like the live version of this slightly more, I think, because in the recorded version for some reason I find Wakana's voice at times overwhelmed by the background chorus (same with symphonia, actually). That is, except for the split-second falsetto she has when she sings magnolia - her voice goes weaker there and I can actually hear Hikaru more than I can hear her. Keiko was so...so....GAAAHHHH

(can't even express it in words) Wakana was good, but obviously dying. Hikaru was also awesome. Actually, Hikaru and Keiko were really badass at the end
destination unknown: OHmygod I LOVED what Hikaru did with that DEEEEE-shooouuuuu where she went up instead of down with that note (she sang it different to the recording, right???) SO EPIC ROCKSTAR

In fact, Keiko and Hikaru were both being majorly badass throughout this whole song. The big shock came for me in that last chorus when Wakana actually joined in singing Keiko's part...I only heard her for a few split seconds but I was like WAIT WHAT?? She's singing too??? (couldn't hear her that much, though...) But I was surprised she could have reach those low notes at all

They're rocking out amused me, especially Hikaru

and Wakana rocked out too, surprisingly (I think? Or was that in Ongaku...? can't remember now, lol...have to go back and re-watch)
love come down:...neeehhhh in some parts I prefer this version, other parts I preferred the Red Moon 2010 version...Hikaru went really sharp in some parts and Wakana's voice was weaker in this live than in the 2010 one. Nevertheless, I loved their audience interaction in this one~

It was heartwarming~~ And lol Hikaru really got carried away singing the 'DAN-DAN' part
fantasia: I was expecting Wakana to really crack at any point in this song...but she did okay and managed to hold up, which pleased me...slightly...Hikaru and Keiko were fantastic~ pretty much similar to Red Moon, Wakana was okay on the opening and ending kajiurago and was decent in her solo (she looked in massive pain though

) but it was during her chorus parts that I really noticed her voice is much less subtle than it used to be on this song - it was very overbearing and almost bordering on shrieky in one part, whereas in the Red Moon live, her voice integrated with Hikaru and Keiko's and didn't overwhelm their lines (which it shouldn't, cos they're singing the main line, aren't they...) Wakanaaaa
Kyrie: So since she didn't collapse in fantasia I though, Right. OHmygod. She's really going to die in this one, where she's even a main singer. And....she managed to keep truckin' on....somehow...

Actually, I reckon she did fairly well in thsi Kyrie. In the Red Moon one, I noticed, she was dead tired (of course 'dead tired' in the Red Moon concert is nothing compared to how utterly dead she looks in this one

) but I reckon she did an equal, if not slightly better job on this Kyrie than the Red Moon one. The kajiurago part was good (I thought for a moment that Keiko looked like she was trying to seduce Wakana or something, when she walked across the stage from Hikaru to Wakana and was doing the finger movement near Wakana's chin, like the 'come here ...

' finger movement

/is shot) In Red Moon, Wakana almost lost it at the "koi suru you ni utau kara..." part and similarly in this live she seemed to struggle the most with this line. Whilst she did the "koi suru" part better, she pretty much cracked on the word "utau". Overall, though, I was relatively happy with the performance of this song, in terms of the singing. In terms of watching Wakana sweat and screw her face in excruciating agony I was curled up on the floor squeaking and going

Wakanaaaaa...but I'm pretty proud of her that she still did a pretty good job even though it looked like it was so tough for her

Hikaru and Keiko were fine as usual - Hikaru did much better with her "ichiban shiawase na basho made..." this time round. The very last 'eleeeeiiisonnnnn...." was PERFECT I TELL YOU. I think both Wakana and Keiko nailed it.
Ongaku: ahahaha this song had both happy and sad moments for me~ Keiko was amazing. Hikaru was amazing. Wakana was...not as amazing. But still better than my imagination had made it out to be. During that bridge, LOOOL Koichi my friend and I were cracking up and rolling around the couch watching him head-bang and swish his luscious locks around - I understand why ninetales loves him so much now...he's so AWESOME

and Hitoshi~

What a charming man~ Then came Wakana's kajiurago. I'll say it started off alright, since previous reports had been making me imagine horrible crow-like shrieking or something. In fact, it was all fine except for that one super high note which I've only once ever heard Wakana actually nail. And whilst it was...quite

and made me cringe, at least it was only a split-second note (if it had been a long held note...oh god....and she did okay on the consecutive notes following) and it wasn't the worst sound I've heard come from her (Lacrimosa @Kitakyushu...now

) I think it would've been better if she'd slipped into falsetto on that note than tried to hit it with her normal voice (then again...in her current condition I'm beginning to think it's difficult for her now to transition smoothly between her falsetto and normal voice like she used to, because for a lot of these songs she used her normal voice where she actually used falsetto in the recordings...or maybe she just personally prefers using normal voice? I dunno...) What she did was kinda weird, it was like a half-falsetto, half-normal voice squeak...still, her 'eeeeeehhhhhhhhhh' note after the kajiurago was okay, except I swear she didn't hold it for as long as she used to...

But at least it was better than that squeak/shriek. Anyway, Wakana aside, Keiko and Hikaru were awesome and the thing I really love about Ongaku is how the girls look like they're having so much fun whilst rocking around to it

They look so much more relaxed and natural in this song (And Hikaru is really hilarious when she rocks out

also in destination unknown, for that matter) The synchronised jumping at the end

I have never seen Wakana actually jump on stage before until now, she's so conservative with her movements unlike the other two...
Mune no Yukue: Awww what a lovely song...the atmosphere was especially nice after such an energetic song like Ongaku~


Hikaru and Wakana too, beautiful~ Also the harmony where they sang "sky is high on the river of li-iiife" at the end when the melody goes up~

Such a great song~ I loved the peaceful happy mood that seemed to settle on the stage and in the audience with this song

I was smiling and waving my hands around to the music
oblivious: The best live of this I've ever seen is the Seventh Heaven live version, and it hasn't been topped still. This time's oblivious was better than the studio live we got and also better than Lisani but still not as good as Seventh Heaven live. Wakana's falsetto sounds slightly different to her usual voice - it seems breathy (but I've noticed this too in the other recent oblivious performances as well

Passable but I know this song can be done better...I hope they can sing it like they did in Seventh Heaven live again, someday
snow falling: lol this song was made weeeird...I really think they need to have Yuriko guest vocal or something at one of their lives one day...they can manage okay without her usually but I really felt the absence of her voice in this song, especially in the layered vocals part. That part's my favourite in the recording and it's still very pretty live, but it sounds lacking and much sparser, emptier without Yuriko there...as people have said before, the timing was weird in this song but I still loved the three girls' singing. Even Hikaru's super loud 'faaaaaaalling....[pause]...snoooooooow...' which I at first didn't like so much, appealed to me much more after listening to it properly in good sound quality. It wasn't that bad. Keiko was good. Wakana sounded fine (except one slip up on 'sora e tsuzuku...' somewhere near the beginning in the second line, I think). She still looked dead exhausted but I still loved her voice in this one. Just as long as I didn't look at her face straining and ignored the weird timing. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the part when the 'snow' confetti came falling down though

ahhhh it was so...so...I can't describe the feeling! I just felt really really really happy and warm and fuzzy inside~

And I literally swelled with love of Kalafina + Yuki Kajiura + the world and universe in general~ It's powerful music that can do that you~~~~
symphonia: The end of snow falling made me really really happy, symphonia just topped it all off and made me feel like literally bursting with


feelings. Everyone was perfect, perfect perfect for the final song~ It was epic and grand and majestic and everything I'm sure Yuki intended it to be~ The parts when Wakana came in and the music swelled up had me practically almost levitating off the couch in happiness

Keiko's opening was just incredible~ The expressions on the girls faces were...gah...

Wakana was perfect~ She still showed some signs of strain on her face in some parts but her voice made up for it - it was waaaayy better than their Lisani performance. I love symphonia live much more than recorded because, 1) Wakana sounds more strained in recorded (almost hoarse on a certain note or two) than live, and 2) her voice for some reasons sound nearly overwhelmed by the background chorus - in this live, the harmony seems much cleaner and I can hear her main line much better (and it's so amazing). My favourite part of this whole song would have to be the last verse that starts, "Hito no omoi ga...", especially the part that goes "Bokura no sekai wo, ai de mitashite yuku..." when the music and Wakana's voice soars up on the 'bokura no sekai wo..." and gahhh when you think of the meaning of those words "The thoughts of people falling and piling up like flower blossoms, Fill our world with love as they go" just makes it all the more special

There really aren't words or onions enough to describe the way this song made me feel, I think it was really perfect as an ending song, its mood and its lyrics are really perfect~ Hearing and watching this song live just reminded me more than ever why I love Kajiura's music - it actually does have the power to move you deeply, and coupled with Wakana, Keiko and Hikaru who were putting so much emotion into their singing - I could feel their happiness in sharing their love of both the music and singing with the fans. And (this is gonna sound cliche but what the hell) not only that, I felt their love towards the fans through this song as well, as if they were singing their thankfulness for listening to them sing. It was just...amazing...gah...made me fall in love with Kalafina and Kajiura all over again, even more...I hope I can see this song live one day

Symphonia was possibly one of my favourites from the whole concert~
So...overall, the concert was better for me than the bleak things I'd been hearing, but then I probably have very low standards compared to other people and because I love Kalafina so much I probably view them through extremely rose-coloured spectacles...and try to find excuses for their shortcomings...even though I try (and fail

) at being objective and impartial...
That said, Wakana is definitely not performing as well compared to the Red Moon 2010 Live. For that matter, I think I'll say that since 2011 she just hasn't been singing as well as pre-2010 (2010 was still good). I don't know what's wrong with her, whether it's just a combo of recent sickness+fatigue+stress+overworking her voice or if there's a darker problem at hand here concerning her health (vocal nodules and whatnot) but I just hope she rests well and returns back on form. Until then, as her loyal fan, I'll be waiting. And worrying. And rewatching old lives to make myself feel better

And probably inevitably imagining her in tragic soap-opera-esque hospital life-death scenarios that are just gonna make me cry

As for the other two, Hikaru has improved in leaps and bounds. She was even better in After Eden than Red Moon, and I think she'll keep getting better. Keiko is just...always awesome

She's probably the most consistent and steady of all three of them, so just keep doing a fantastic job, Keiko~~~!
Finally, this concert was probably better than Red Moon in terms of the props and stage layout and stuff. And the girls moved around the stage heaps compared to in Red Moon - they actually changed the usual Hikaru(L)-Keiko(C)-Wakana(R) formation a few times so Hikaru and Wakana got to stand in the middle too

The choreography was amusing (I actually enjoy watching their 'dancing' however cringeworthy it is, it's so goddamn funny

Especially Hikaru) but each of the girls did have their cool moments whether it be an unexpectedly epic movement or facial expression where I squealed and rewinded and paused, fangirled, replayed, fangirled (repeat process for about five times) before moving on

Yep, I'm hopelessly in love.
/heart seizes up
/is dying