Keiko's solo debut (after 2020)

And grunty i agree with your last statement. I find myself just checking out their solo songs but not relistening even once 😟 perhaps they need to collab with a better composer each of them.

Wow, are y’all serious . . . Admittedly I’d have thought the same too with just Wakana, but Hikaru at least has multiple relistens. Stop shading these girls and be somewhat positive at best. Jesus. 😑

Anyway I don’t have time for a true review as the songs took up all of my first shift break but I think that Be Yourself turned out much like an old Do As Infinity song from the Fukai Mori EP (damn right I was an Inuyasha child and DAI’s ending is great) called Toōkumade . It, also, definitely takes the vocal layers, as the instrumental in itself is similarly not so impressive. However, I replay it at least twice anytime it comes up in my phone!

And I’m feeling Be Yourself will end up with the same treatment.

Inochi no Hana? It’s cute, I respectfully will add it and won’t skip it in Shuffle. As mentioned before my comment, I certainly was relieved that she kept her normal register untouched.
Edit: Also, screw Hoseki, I loved the 3x basho e. :hero:
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Wow, are y’all serious . . . Admittedly I’d have thought the same too with just Wakana, but Hikaru at least has multiple relistens. Stop shading these girls and be somewhat positive at best. Jesus. 😑
Sooooooo... what's up?
And grunty i agree with your last statement. I find myself just checking out their solo songs but not relistening even once 😟 perhaps they need to collab with a better composer each of them.
I personally liked Hikaru's first album. Songs are catchy. I also liked a couple of Wakana's songs.
Give her some time to warm up! :XD:
When it comes to Hikaru and Wakana I find their successive songs to have become gradually better than the debut ones. Might be the same case with KEIKO.
I am probably one amongst few who like "Be yourself" more than 命の花. But I just like simple things
Both song are pretty meh and generic. I would have liked by yourself better if it wasn't repetitive. Other than that, I am just happy to hear keiko-san's voice
To me, these Kalafina gals are amazingly consistent. They’ve managed to release solo music that’s all about equal in quality to each other’s, even while pursuing slightly different styles. Keiko = Helical = Wakana < Kalafina.
Is it known who wrote the lyrics for Be Yourself? Aside from that... no comment on the songs. I hope she tries something less "safe" and more daring next time.
I'm just glad her voice still healthy. I'm ok with this. Since this is her solo career, I hope her music direction will be a bit flexible. Funny that I feel Keiko will carry her solos with her voice rather than the music while Hikaru is the opposite lols. Anyway voice is hard to fix, compositions can be worked out. :innocent:
I've listened to both of the songs now. I can say: DO NOT compare her songs to Kalafina or Any YK stuff. This is Keiko. For me she sounds like she did in Itokubo and maybe some Lara too.She's able to let her self be herself. I wish she had done more of this when she was in Kalafina. (actually: Same for Hikaru and Wakana.) We now get to see that bright happy Keiko (and the other two)
I've listened to both of the songs now. I can say: DO NOT compare her songs to Kalafina or Any YK stuff.
She's able to let her self be herself. I wish she had done more of this when she was in Kalafina. (actually: Same for Hikaru and Wakana.)
Then they should've founded and produced Kalafina themselves to do what they wanted to do.

Or did you mean they should've been doing solo stuff while Kalafina was a thing?
Then they should've founded and produced Kalafina themselves to do what they wanted to do.

Or did you mean they should've been doing solo stuff while Kalafina was a thing?
I'm bretty sure he meant the way she sang in Be Yourself.
This reminds me~ There are hardcore Kalastans that blame Kajiura for Kalafina's disbandment, and actually hate her kek.
Well it was a direct quote. Sans maybe the smileyface.
Wow Grunty. You really over analys every thing. Just take what I said at face value and not try to find some thing in it that's not there.
TBH I should've just stopped at the "Oh WOW".

I actually think I took that "I can say: DO NOT compare(..)" at face value. You could've typed something along the lines of ~I don't see a reason to compare~ but you went with "I can say: DO NOT compare(...)" and it totally triggered me, pitchfork in hand. Possibly more so after @Hayden K. 's (paraphrasing)~y'all are so shady and negative... I possibly agree about Wakana... but y'all need to stop. Jesus.~

Edit: Fixed that quote.
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