Yuuka and Chiaki will take part in ASL2010

  • Thread starter Thread starter elcazador
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Dont worry they're only screencaps from nicovideo's live broadcast.

We should wait until official photos are released :tea:
If we start talking about other artist, we have to move this topic to Otaku zone :XD:

but yeah, KOTOKO's secret appearance was the biggest surprise today. not to mention she's second to last, before Nana Mizuki :tea:


credits to Viola :sparkleguy:
Photos from Chiaki's blog


Chiaki and Yuuka appearance on Yonekura Chihiro's blog



Yuuka's short pants looks like something Wakana would like to wear :XD:
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my opinion about Yuuka's permance:

Tsukishirube is as expected

for Shizuku either the karaoke isnt that good or she didnt had the needed power for (and the electric guitar doesnt fit the song style althought it has nice melody). I prefer the recording.
Actually, I'm quite pleasantly surprised by her performance in Tsukishirube. She really only failed on the last notes of each chorus.

She didn't do a good job in the first verse of Shizuku, but got much better later on. :) And I agree, the bridge could be better indeed. Still like the song a lot.
I absolutely loved her MC. It was so lively, especially the moments she laughed while talking. So sweet :dote:

Shizuku is a very beautiful song
any links? :uh..:
I wonder if the guitar riff in Shizuku was AnimeLo only - you know, like the 2nd violin solo in nowhere last year. Well, CD soon...
Thanks elcazador, you have my gratitude :sparkleguy:

@Wikki: I thought ELISA was an ex-model ??
That's Lia's baby. I guess nobody knows ??