I like it too
but she kinda screeams at the end ? Also credits being white makes them unreadable.

because medabots is more of a child show and/so not enough gayness :p
Replace gayness with resbians with guns and you got your reason :p. Ok now, seriously, Medabots wasn't directed by Mashimo so that's probably why hue.As for the gayness, if thats so she shouldnt have done Tsubasa Chronicles either
I domt think it being childish affects at all, velveteen rabbit and moonfesta were for kids too. As for the gayness, if thats so she shouldnt have done Tsubasa Chronicles eitherwhich for me is one of her best works.
And sadly not really worth it, I have to add.29 gbp for the both of them + probably another 10 on postage and another 10 on import fees is so expensive.