Yuriko Kaida's solo career

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Thanks for the download. Finally got a chance to listen and from what I heard it's not bad. A bit more memorable than her KAiiDA works, but nothing wowed me. Still, repeated listens might change my mind, who knows.
A bit more memorable than her KAiiDA works
Iunno. I probably think more fondly of LOVE LETTER from KAiiDA than PORTA.

Buuuuut... I also think My Hometown sounds the best of her solo stuff so... maybe whoever recorded/mixed that track should work on her album...

Edit: I've not heard the Onegai MY MELODY track in good quality (or in full even)...
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Buuuuut... I also think My Hometown sounds the best of her solo stuff so... maybe whoever recorded/mixed that track should work on her album...
Wait, I've never heard of this song! It was an ED song to... Confidential Money? I'll have to find the actual track.
Edit: I've not heard the Onegai MY MELODY track in good quality (or in full even)...
I didn't know of this song either. At least CDJ gives like a 30 sec sample (though not great audio). Hopefully the full version of it (I think it's called Shiawase no Hane (Original Version)?) can be found one day with decent audio.

Tbh I may have jumped ahead of myself. I'd probably have to do a full re-listen of her KAiiDA works next to her PORTA works to get a real idea of how I'd rank the songs.
Wait, I've never heard of this song! It was an ED song to... Confidential Money? I'll have to find the actual track.
Want me to PM? I was going to upload all the songs under her name that I know of but since I don't have that MY MELODY one, I didn't bother... (Granted even with that one, that's only like 10 tracks prior to PORTA lol.)
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From what I gathered Yuriko's hoping to release a full album in spring. I don't know if the tracks from PORTA will be included. Someone who understands Japanese can probably say more.
She didn't specify if the tracks from PORTA will be included. She said all vaguely. I'm a Japanese native and still not sure what she meant.
At first it sounded like the three songs will be included but then later she said otherwise.

But she did say that the half of the songs in the album will be written by her, both music and lyrics.
But she did say that the half of the songs in the album will be written by her, both music and lyrics.
That's nice to hear.
On PORTA only Swan-prologue- has her lyrics.

Still more worried about the mixing though lol.
Want me to PM? I was going to upload all the songs under her name that I know of but since I don't have that MY MELODY one, I didn't bother... (Granted even with that one, that's only like 10 tracks prior to PORTA lol.)
If you don't mind, that would be great, thank you!

You're right, there really isn't a lot of tracks prior to PORTA, which is a shame. Tbh my favorite of hers wasn't even solo it was the duet with Merry.


Based on samples I don't think I could sit through that CD, lol. Even if most of it is clearly done for "lulz".
So other than the Onegai MY MELODY track, I realized there's these two that I don't have either. From ことのはクラシック Vol. 1 and 2 respectively. Credits from Tower Records. Seem out of print. Eh...


歌:貝田由里子/作詞:安井和弘/作曲:ルイジ・ボッケリーニ /編曲:澤秀章

Seems like they are vocal arranges of classical music? I don't even...
Welp. Seems I ignored Yuriko's tweet feed for a while.

A collaboration with DUSTY FRUITS CLUB from August:
Waiting for some album news. :/ inb4 it's no longer happening
From some lucky folks who went to the talk event. It seems like her album won't come out in spring. It won't even make it to the 2019 YK live tour.
Also, at the event, she asked Yuki to write a song for the album. Though the person who posted didn't say anything about Yuki's response, it's likely to happen.
So... I've been out of the loop for a while but I see on Yuriko's twitter that she was on some radio programme (wish I knew before it happened) and someone in the responses mentions looking forward to getting her album during the upcoming YK lives... Is it just PORTA or the actual new album?

A previous tweet seems to imply she would be talking about "her new album". Hmmmmm...

Nothing about it on lins beach or elec records yet. :/ Maybe they're no longer working together...

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