Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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what he has believed = to the beginning haha yeah it's a nice touch

eh this will be a pass for me most likely.

use of tokyo konsei is terrible.

and what the hell is "Despair and hope" ? the arrangement is all over the place...

Kajiura (or whoever else chooses the titles) should expand her vocabulary, keeps using the same words again and again.
I have been saying that for a couple years now I think :(
She rules the battlefield lol I love Rule the Battlefield it is probably my fave track from the Fate/zero ost but if it's going to be similar I would prefer a new track. *sigh* but we shall see. I am looking forward to it though, hoping for more music tracks other than sound effects and ambiance tracks.
She rules the battlefield lol I love Rule the Battlefield it is probably my fave track from the Fate/zero ost but if it's going to be similar I would prefer a new track.
There's no track like that in the movie. I think it will be a short introduction with Choirs (certainly the track when Alter appears).
I can't with she is her Hero... I just can't...

So far it really almost feels like SAO movie. Random short bursts of music among sfx or slowstrings... which also happen to be short lol.

And yes, still think presage flower version of Kasahara's track > lost butterfly one. I know some thought the old one was v random and chaotic but I think it is this one that has zero flow.

V unconventional Kajiura @ he still can't choose his future. inb4 someone links another Kajiura track that is exactly this. lol.

Dang he goes,she goes... Caught me by surprise lol. Too bad it's not even a track...

she rules the battlefield... lol... I don't know... when that drum kicked in with the choir I laughed...

Wtf is going on with that reverb on the choir in He comes back again and again. That's some artistic choice... lol...

Nightmare tracks are cool like I remembered.

gloomy tension seems like it was done the day before Ocean Turtle from Alicization lol.

Oshi... the beginning of the end...

Love the sound of An invitation from the old man's first part. And I like I beg you strings in these last tracks.
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Yuki Kajiura brings so much to the atmosphere but listening to this soundtrack separately is so boring.
Many tracks (should I even call it like that ?) should have been fused in order to make one coherent track.

So disappointed by "He comes back again and again", the live version was 12 times better.
- First, the drums were way louder and nearly bombastic
- Then, Hitoshi Konno's solo violin was way more expressive than an army of strings
- And FictionJunction Choirs were really better than Tokyo Konsei, so much more reverb and at the same time you could listen distinctly to each vocal range.

Overall I like this soundtrack because I'm in the epic stuff, but I'm disappointed that YK pays more attention to others shows like SAO, while Fate's lore is way more complex and the franchise is an essential pillar in Japanese anime industry.
Yuki Kajiura brings so much to the atmosphere but listening to this soundtrack separately is so boring.
Many tracks (should I even call it like that ?) should have been fused in order to make one coherent track.
While I agree - I'm glad there's a movie version of the OST available. They can do that if they do a standalone Music Collection for Heaven's Feel.
While I agree - I'm glad there's a movie version of the OST available. They can do that if they do a standalone Music Collection for Heaven's Feel.
Yeah, I'm waiting for this 20 min length tracks collection. LOL. I live in a candy land, just like our dear Heaven's Feel protagonist.
So yeh, finally finished.

I think this OST was an experiment for YK. There were so many passages when I went "well okay then, miss Kajiura..." On the flipside of this, there's also so much cheese, lol. Still, gotta applaud trying new things, eh? We'll see how that goes into spring song.
So yeh, finally finished.

I think this OST was an experiment for YK. There were so many passages when I went "well okay then, miss Kajiura..." On the flipside of this, there's also so much cheese, lol. Still, gotta applaud trying new things, eh? We'll see how that goes into spring song.
Not bad but for me it's more like she didn't want to do he job completely. The same melody comes back again and again (no joke intended) and most of the tracks end abruptly, or are so inconsistent...
^ I thought you did, talking about the nightmare tracks. Or did you listen to many samples ?
But i’m not talking about the movie in this last comment, only the music itself.
Yea but how can you say "she didn't want to do the job completely" without taking the movie into account. Her job was scoring the movie, not making a listenable CD, lol.

I only skipped through the cam rip audio but since I know the story, I have an idea of what was what.
It's nice that we didn't have to wait a week.
Too lazy to review all of them so I'll just comment on the ones that stood out the most for me.
-Hurrying to the library: I like them cool beats with the strings. Too bad is too short.
-You shouldn't have come here at all: Considering where it's used, I think Remi would've been more fitting. It's not really an epic fight. Also too short.
-Something I can do: Strings + kewl guitar. Reminds me of the Sprinter instrumentals from KnK 5.
-She is her Hero: kek. It's not a bad track really, but it was so random in the movie. Would like a full length version of it.
-The butterfly emerge: I really love that evil intro and the part with the IBY motif, but it would've been better if it was all original + IBY instead of a IBY+HnU leitmotif mash up. The vocal parts feel like they were forced into the song.
-He still can't choose his future: I like the flow on the strings part. The bells are a nice touch. Makes it less generic strings track.
-There is a crack: mmm mmm I like me some creepy haunting tracks.
-She rules the Battlefield: Chants are cool, but I wish the choir in general would sing actual melodies. The drums are an interesting choice. Don't like those sudden stops and ending.
-He comes back again and again: Definitely needs a bit more reverb hue. Again, I wish the choir could have more melodies to sing instead of just chant. Love that glorious Kasahara ending.
-What else can we do: bretty good orchestra-ish Kajiura. Not sure if I like the guitar. Fug that abrupt ending.
-Petals and butterfly: man, this was a good opportunity to flesh out this theme and make it a full fledged vocal song... instead it was just repeat the same melodies twice.
-My stomach is rumbling!: These songs are cute!
-Some sweet candies: CUTE! (I love me some creepy, evil waltzes)
-Can you save her?: Again, KnK 5/Sprinter vibes until it goes all dark hue.
-The Lost Butterfly: :hearts:
-He goes, she goes , Outbreak of War, Gloomy tension, An invitation from the old man: ambience I liked~

I agree that the music fits the movie almost perfectly (ahem, she is her hero). There are a lot of short tracks, but that's to be expected from a 2hr movie. Still wish they were longer hue. Some tracks could definitely benefit from that.
While I found the soundtrack enjoyable, I hope the music in Spring Song is better than the previous movies.

Now let's wait two weeks for Alicization 3 and El Melon!
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Yea but how can you say "she didn't want to do the job completely" without taking the movie into account. Her job was scoring the movie, not making a listenable CD, lol.

I think that the job should go beyond that. First making a listenable CD, then edit it to fit the scenes, that's my personal opinion as a listener but also that of some others very well known composers who think this way.
But I understand, and I'm not so much complaining about this CD's format that I can enjoy in a way.
Avant-Title: I actually like the strings here a lot. Also there is some Zaregoto here.
Hurrying to the library: a less intense ver of that madoka track. I like it.
she is her hero : what the eh /
what she was hiding: falls into the category of coolforthemoviebutboringalone.
The butterfly emerge: nice play with strings but the vocals sound as if they started at the wrong moment, ah really bad.
He still can't choose his future : LOVE this one. such a nice smooth strings + bell track. bells give it an ethereal feel:)
Let's go home together: Kajiura, don't write strings tracks like this, please . there are twenty+ of them now.
she rules the battlefield: yuck, real bad. sudden stops are really annoying.
He comes back and again: like the strings melody but Tokyo Konsei is underpowered for sure.
What else can we do: like the feel of it but too short and too abrupt an ending.
petals and butterfly : eh no sorry. sounds too much like a hanae madoka track.
my stomach is rumbling*somesweetcandies: nice. should have been one track.
The lost butterfly : yep, this I like very much too.

it's sure epic but the sound is all wrong to me. most likely they all worked great in the movie. I'd give this a 6 but only because I think Kajiura tried some new things but I think the choir work and arrangements were hurried and hence turned out to be awkward...

Dear Yuki Kajiura: You once wrote "Battle vs Yuriev" in Xenosaga III. That's the way to write "she rules the battlefield". Thanks :) (imo) (with respect to Tokyo Konsei & strings & the whole flow of the song) or gosh TESTAMENT! YOU WROTE TESTAMENT! where is that Tokyo Konsei ? ?? makes my blood boil :( or We've got to believe something ah... me cries
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Wow that was scary ! Compared to this ost's scariness knk is kids show. Overall the whole soundtrack feels like a huge medley but unlike knk the tracks are not flowing in a way that doesnt get boring (melody-less sfx dont help). The interesting part here is how the other instruments (eg: drums musicbox, harp) combine with the strings, and not the strings themselves which are for the most part boring as hell (maybe that was intended ? Lol). Also the battle parts start way too abruptly and i dont like that, but, i guess, that reflects well sakura's shifts from kindness to craze and her confusion ? I havent seen the movie yet. Overall the ost is pretty forgetable and the best tracks were the musicbox, a string one near the beggining and the remi trailer song. Also i want that muffled sfx melody track thats near the end to be properly played it seems like melody would give beautiful piece. I do also like the beats on here but are way too short too. Full review later today 😈