Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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It's quite an issue in Thailand when the rate of HF was firstly announced as 20. Don't know what is the international equivalent rate, but it's the only rate that allows the theatres to check ID cards of movie-goers and prohibit them from buying ticket if they're younger than 20. (Other rate are just a warning that this movie is for people who are older than blah blah blah.) Many believe thay it's overrated to rest awareness on negligent parents who basically think that anime is always for kids.

It's changed to pg15 later though. I didn't see underage kids when I went for the movie, but Thailand do have many parents of this kind. Last year, I've just scolded my cousin who let his son, who has just entered his elementary school, watched Evangelion and became addicted to the series. It seems that he didn't care at all... I remember that I watched Eva during my early junior highschool day, and feel that it's a bit too violent at that time. To think that my nephew was just 5-6 years old when he watched it is a bit...
I remember watching Batman Returns when i was around 14 with bro. In the movie its some villain who puts some crazy-making gass in water network and after he did that there were thousand of people screaming etc and from that scene i had nightmares for 3 days for some reason 😅
I was 17 when Mami got her head bitten off and I couldn't shake that image from my head for days. And it's not even that graphic lmao maybe the surprise from such bright pastel colors and the high of "yes she defeated that thing" but she actually didn't got me.
I watched the movie at the cinema yesterday, and I found the music more enjoyable. Not sure why, hue. I still think it's missing hype as fuark songs like the Flower will bloom or Lancer vs Assassin, Shiro vs Rider was way too epic for what was happening (should've been Remi instead of choir), and the heroic track that plays when Archer and Rin crash through the window is still very wtf.
Official Anouncement

動員数108万人&興行収入16.7億円を突破、国内外でも人気を博し前作を上回る記録を達成した劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel]」Ⅱ.lost butterflyのBlu-ray&DVDが8月21日に発売される旨を解禁!何度でもご自宅で作品をお楽しみいただけます!

完全生産限定版には武内崇描き下ろしBOX・須藤友徳描き下ろしデジジャケット・オリジナルサウンドトラック・特典ディスク・スペシャルブックレット・イラストブックなど豪華特典が盛りだくさん!特典ディスク内容やイラスト等詳細は今後発表予定です!(Blu-ray&DVDページ https://www.fate-sn.com/bddvd/

(Blu-ray&DVDページ https://www.fate-sn.com/bddvd/
引き続き、劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven‘s Feel]」Ⅱ.lost butterflyをよろしくお願いいたします。
No I don’t remember this track. It remembers me a bit of this strings arrange track from « I beg you » ‘s climax but that’s not it .

Edit: oh, that’s a HF1 promo. So certainly not Kajiura.
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^ Maybe it could be something related to Waiver that they skipped and they put it in now because of El Melloi ? Anyway the japanese fans are gonna be angry if they dont get it too.
I do remember some "primaries" wanting some scenes to be extended for the original BD release. Like Kerry vs Kotomine in the last episodes, and other shit.