Yuki Kajiura to compose for "FSN Heaven's Feel" movies [Live CD / BD Release of concerts on March 19, 2025 ]

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^ yes it does sound unkajiura if you except the strings, but thats not necessarily bad. We usually complain about her being on autopilot, so having something different is good i guess. Also happy we re getting a nice pv that looks like one and isnt just a camera spining around the singer.

The slower part sounds more like Aimer :)
You can hear the intro of the song in Tower Records. Nothing interesting, just your standard Kajiura strings with chimes but intro seems short for a 6 mins track :ayashii: ...Drum is distracting and I could hear the guitar's strumming a bit familiar to Fukusawa's UBW track. Will wait for the full version :innocent:

Found it on twitter: Full Version

Edit: it's on nyaa too..
Effin cymbals ruining the song for me :blood: Need a couple of more listens for me to like it I guess.
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that comments about cymbal makes me wonder (I haven't listened to the song), are the musicians FBM?
Iunno about this track. I don't hate it but find it boring and I think that's mostly because of the arrangement (which doesn't really work with Aimer's voice and/or how it's processed).
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^ Yes i hate the cymbals (pretty sure its Sato) and strings are also too loud. the bridge is boring. Also aimer seems kinda bored singing it (?). Will take some time to get used to melody.
When the B-side cover and self-cover is way better than the A-side.

Ito and Rokutousei are why Aimer's voice is <3. Sadly, her voice just doesn't fit Hana no Uta very well, and while the melody isn't typical Kajiura (the opening has Kajiura written all over it tho), the song itself is a little bland.
I've listened to the full song 5 or 6 times now; I like it. It's a good song to have playing in the background or during a car ride. I enjoyed the way Aimer sings despite my worries from the samples. It's as long as RM and HnS, but not nearly as repetitive imo, or at least not so repetitive that I start to get bored with it. Strings were very nice, and I actually even like the drumming too. Good song.

edit: Weird as it is, I like the movie version much more. I can't explain it, but taking out the intro made for a very different listening experience.
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As a Kajiura song, I like it. While the melody lines are quite fresh and not-so-kajiura, the strings melody is VERY Kajiura. I really like the bridge although a part of it reminds me of another anisong that I couldn't place atm. I'm still not impressed with aimer's gargling-dragging style of singing but her voice works quite well for the bridge. I'm very disturbed by the cymbals on the verses and the guitar on the chorus. I don't know if it's my earphone's fault or because I listened to a youtube video and not from my usual music player equalizer but the guitar sounds really really jarring throughout the song. Also agreed with @sora, the song isn't so repetitive even though it's quite long, mostly because the verses and the chorus are quite long by themselves so the song doesn't have to repeat itself for many times. The only downfall is while I like the song, I definitely wouldn't put it on repeat - mainly because of aimer's voice and how the arrangement is processed.
Listening to the full song in 320 kbps, I think I have a new respect for it at this point. It's obvious Kajiura has gone in a very different direction here, and I kind of get the impression that she's attempted to capture a similar aesthetic to Last Stardust for an intentionally familiar UBW flavour, but structurally it's still very Yuki, and those distinctive Kajiuran strings are a pleasing reminder of this.

I'm still not impressed with aimer's gargling-dragging style of singing
Couldn't have worded it better tbh, Aimer's slurred words gives the impression that she went straight from the dentist to the studio without waiting for the oral anaesthetic to wear off. She sounded much better in Last Stardust imo.

The B-sides are okay, I'll need to listen to them a little more before I can give my opinion on those.
Here's my opinion on the other songs, then I'll get to talking about 花の唄:

ONE: J-pop garbage to be completely honest.

六等星の夜 (Rokutousei no Yoru) ~Magic Blue Ver~ Pretty nice hearing this with only strings and piano. And Aimer sounds much better here than the old version on Sleepless Nights back in 2012/13 (correct me if I'm wrong about the release date)

糸 (Ito)- Your typical Aimer-style ballad. Not bad, though.

Ok, now about 花の唄- I actually think the chorus is the weakest part of the song. Aimer sounds really out of breath in it, plus how it ends (especially the last chorus) just keeps going and going and going and going, to the point to where it gets a little annoying. The ending note of the chorus is really cool, though. The bridge is really powerful, too :dote: