Yuki Kajiura music for Lord El-Melloi II

I don't know exactly if it's her.. but having composed it you'd think she would be involved at least no? I dunno, it's not like I remember her music by title tracks anyway...

negativity aside, I thought the ost was excellent so far and am glad we're getting it! and we're getting more new music so yay. (hopefully it'll be as good.)
Wow. I like the ED theme. The op sounds like Madoka to me. Lol but I like the track at the start, or was that part of the op? Anywho, sweet a standalone, she has been doing that for awhile, at least the previous 2 that she worked on (not including SAO and HF). If only I had money. *sigh* who was the singer again? Sounds like the one from Ordinal Scale.
Sayaka Kanda is right, her character name in Ordinal Scale is Yuna. ^^
you were my king made me absolutely furious for example.
I don't argue that many times, she gave some similar English names for random different OSTs, but I don't think it's the case for You were my king. It's likely that the track is related to F/Z's You are my king and she intended to name it like this so that we can see the connection. I guess that it's similar to what she did with Let the stars fall down and The stars are to fall down. I have no problem with it.

I'm also bored with similar English names for songs that have nothing related. @~@ But.. given the number of OSTs she'd written, avoiding the similarity is quite impossible?
^ She was avoiding the similarities perfectly during 2004-2006 when she did Madlax Xeonosaga 2 Petite Cossette Tsubasa Xenosaga 3 Mai Hime and Otome Elemental Gerade :P I still think its up to the record company to name them. Didnt she once said for Knk that she originally puts M1 M2 etc on tracks and are named afterward for the ost release, but werent for KnK's case ?
Just noticed that the coverart promotes smoking lol how old is that female character ?
Edit: girl holds cup of tea, but the smoke has same colour as cig's 🤔
Stilli wouldnt be as happy as her if someone smoked on my face.

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Eh, he's been smoking in every other piece of promo. OST art is gud, I hope they upload a decent quality version somewhere before they alter it and/or plaster with writings like zaregoto ost.
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First episode is out today. Not much new music but what's there is consistent with what we heard in ep 0 albeit more atmospheric. There are a couple of new battle themes and we hear an instrumental version of the ending song. The op plays near the end and it's good, basically a chaotic version of the ending bgm from ep 0.
The music is so good and adds so much to the show <3

even the bgm during the broken bike scene sounded good <3
lovely violin-disco during that purple energy scene.

Btw: They forgot to add muscles to the guy :3

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Music was fitting. Nothing amazing yet, but when I read that the first episode was going to be a flashback, I figured the music would be mostly lowkey stuff and ambiance.
Next week we'll at least get OP and ED tv size.
The show itself seems ok so far - mostly thanks to Waver-kun though.

I support the sound director (not aftaid of using music with visuals and at a decent volume level) and OST for the most part (I'm not sure if that track right before the eyecatch was in ep#0 or Alicization OST1 lol; the first edgy-credits track also reminds me of something but maybe it is a referrence to Fate/Zero; the strings track during the counterattack was pretty forgettable too) - I'm glad Kajiura got to work with these people. Unfortunately the OP - or the way it's edited - is very much a run of the mill strings FJ/Kalafina song with FBM. Not a fan. (Edit o9k: Now that I think about it was the action strings track I mentioned actually part of the OP? Maybe it sounds better on CD.)

Time to start saving up for the OST in September... And a middle finger to that guy at animesucky who said the BGM level was too loud. ;P It finally feels closer to a Kajiura show again. I'm suddenly afraid that we're gonna go back to BeeTrain levels of unreleased stuff lol.
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