Yuki Kajiura music for Lord El-Melloi II

Pulled the episode out, and there's one around 6min too, during the first cat scene, then around 9min, 14min and 16min (which is what I assume you meant). So I guess 4 more potentially left.

Wonder how many new tracks we'll get in the real first episode lol. 2?
oh my gosh. watched the episode finally.

the music is phenomenal. so incredibly (Kajiuran) baroque. and incredibly well done. so far.

hopefully there will be new music in the rest. can't believe there is so much good music in only one episode :D
Wow wasnt the El melloi event finished ? This hasnt appeared on ep 0 from what i remember ! Its so cute and relaxing:love:
It actually is in ep 0. The rpg vibes are strong with this track, it could easily be a house or rural village theme.

I also love that Kajiura brought in the oboe and clarinet for this ost. For a while she seemed to forget there were wind instruments besides the flute.
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Man, I so hope it's not going to be all strings for the new tracks 6 months later...
^ not likely by the looks of it. having said that I loved how strings were used here.

I loved that track when that cat was about (was it a cat? maybe I dreamed that part haha) with harpsicord and strings. so hopefully that will be out soon too.
^ not likely by the looks of it.
We'll see... 6 months between ep0 and ep1 is a lot of time to fuck the music approach all up, lol. Fingers crossed for the best.

Also, music still needs to be louder in the actual show. Thank you very much.
^ gawd so true. I have no interest in the anime but the volume could have been louder.

hopefully Kajiura's learnt a thing or two. I dunno..
@grunty: When i play that new bgm from Youtube it plays fine, but when i play the downloaded video there is some cringy on the speakers as if its too loud somehow while its not, how can i fix that ?
Iunno what exactly you are experiencing but there's definitely a few skips/pops/cracks in the audio stream (and they seem to be at different places in every loop so it is the uploaders fault) but it doesn't look like it's too loud. You could try using the latest youtube-dl with "-f bestaudio url". v( '')v

ASCAのニューシングル「RUST / 雲雀 / 光芒」、9月4日(水)リリース決定!

「雲雀」は7月より放送スタートのTVアニメ「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-」エンディングテーマ。この曲は梶浦由記が作詞・作曲・編曲を手掛ける美しく切ないバラードソング。



「RUST / 雲雀 / 光芒」 ※アニメ盤は「雲雀 / RUST / 光芒」

2019.9.4 RELEASE


初回(CD+DVD) ¥2,000(税込)

通常(CD) ¥1,300(税込)

アニメ盤(CD+DVD) ¥1,620(税込)



M2.雲雀(TVアニメ「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-」EDテーマ)


M4.KOE -Unplugged ver.-

M5.RUST -Instrumental-




M1.雲雀(TVアニメ「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-」EDテーマ)



M4.雲雀 -TV size ver.-

M5.雲雀 -Instrumental-


M1.RUST Music Video

M2.雲雀 Music Video

M3.光芒×東京クロノス Music Video


M1. TVアニメ「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世~魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note-」ノンクレジットED映像

ED single will be released on Sep 4th,including the ending song「雲雀」which is composed by Yuki, sung by ASCA.
It will be with three editions LE, RE & AE . Music Video is in LE.
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OP is also composed by Yuki, considering no lyric, it will be an instrumental.
WOW another collab :D And we havent had instrumental OP since Zaregoto ep 1, and that was great!






Googling the ED title gives the bird Alauda arvensis / skylark as result
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