I'm double-posting because my first post is so long
So, from what Google Translate tells me:
1. All four did Lotus. No Kajiura-sensei, apparently
2. Wakana sang solo on E.G.O.

And Koichi-san did his solo
3. Keiko and Kaori dueted on I Swear, and apparently Keiko started the song
4. Yuriko did Jubilee. Actually, she's the perfect singer for Jubilee, now that I think about it...I'd say that if I ever hear her version, I'll like it better than the original. Maybe
5. Kaori sang March. Something tells me I won't like this one
6. All four sang Sis Puella Magica! and there were disembodied bongo sounds in the background

But Konno-san didn't play?
7. Wakana started MLFCS, and Keiko came in later...
8. Wakana on Forest, like in the other live
9. It seems to me like Akagi-san played on Credens Justitiam, but nobody sang. At least, the singers aren't mentioned
10. Keiko and Wakana on the Kara no Kyoukai song...
11. Cool, a musicians MC! I'll have to translate this one myself
12. Oh, Heigen
13. Don't know who sang Maybe Tomorrow
14. Koichi-san did a solo in Stone Cold! Oh, I can't wait to hear this song...
Offtopic note: I am not going to watch the PV until my single comes in.
15. And Kaori sang on Sweet Song. I think Keiko might've been better, but then again Kaori has a higher range...
And apparently the pamphlet has a nice picture of Satou-san! Finally