Hayden Kurosaki
I feel like it’s not safe but I f*—king need one so badly either wayIs it safe to assume that this will get a live blu ray release by the end of the year?
I feel like it’s not safe but I f*—king need one so badly either wayIs it safe to assume that this will get a live blu ray release by the end of the year?
I feel like it’s not safe but I f*—king need one so badly either way
Figures she'd shill the most expensive item ;pLive goods. http://www.fictionjunction.com/fjcom/goodsPOP.pdf
She created a huge tweetstorm praising the wooden bowls.
She even wrote that she spent forever looking for a nice wooden bowl that would look nice (not just plain wood, some glaze at least) and wouldn't be too expensive for live goods, until she found this one last year and went all "Figures she'd shill the most expensive item ;p
Is it safe to assume that this will get a live blu ray release by the end of the year?
Well that means I probably won't ever hear it. =/ There's a cover on her twitter feed. CD is called Porta and comes with 3 tracks. Wonder why she no longer uses the KAiiDA monicker.
Might as well if it's really JPY1500 but if it's not easy to get that extra copy, don't go out of your way for me - I'm not that invested in her solo stuff after KAiiDA. Will paypal be good afterwards?I'm happy to get a few extra copies at the Osaka live for other forum members.
Why "lol"? I mean, the cover has a door/gate so...Porta lol in greek that means "Door" and it should be an italian/latin -derived word https://www.online-latin-dictionary.com/latin-english-dictionary.php?parola=porta
Might as well if it's really JPY1500 but if it's not easy to get that extra copy, don't go out of your way for me - I'm not that invested in her solo stuff after KAiiDA. Will paypal be good afterwards?
Why "lol"? I mean, the cover has a door/gate so...