Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2010 [Happy B-day Yuki-sama!!]

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Okay guys, after talk with Kerahna we decided that we wont make a page like in 2008 but we will make the song and we will put Zui's drawing and the song into a newspost. If you want to send her messages you can email them to her (I will do too :) ), same for the other drawings.
well actually i want to sing too
I can sing keiko/kaori's parts since I have a bass-baritone vocal range
i wish i have a proper microphone :uh..:

george1234 said:
Okay guys, after talk with Kerahna we decided that we wont make a page like in 2008 but we will make the song and we will put Zui's drawing and the song into a newspost. If you want to send her messages you can email them to her (I will do too :) ), same for the other drawings.

Oh..... :leaf:

In that case, I will try to sing too.... :spotlight:
regarding the music player, we have to find bass and keyboard player at least. :desksweat:
I'd like to sing (or even compose something, for once), but I would have to sing far better than I currently do, and my composing skill... Still have a lot of training ahead :uh: :XD: But if any help is needed with the lyrics, I promise to do my best - although so far the project seems to be settled on a direct cover.
Regarling the bass, undergroundpujama had said that she might could do it but, she has some technical and other problems so she cant :( about the keyboard I dont know, maybe Rave D can help on this.

Kerahna said:
if theres enough people we can have 1 line each XD
it wont be good if it sounds like there's only 3 or 4 people singing most of the song
Sounds good to me. Like I said I can do a very small violin part, although i can't promise anything really good. heh Do we know what format the file has to be once we record it?
I guess any kind of format unprotected would be good, it will just have to be something easily workable like mp3, ogg, wav
Re: Yuki Kajiura Birthday Project 2010

george1234 said:
:and a part of them looking at it was shown in the " 「Kalafina Note ~5days in BOSTON~」(Anime Boston documentary) " that was included into the Red Moon LE DVD viewtopic.php?p=45317#p45317 so the success is guaranteed :sparkleguy: ]

:omg: i remember it!!!
i must watch the DVD again :XD:
Back to topic: Is it ok I put a 1 week (7 days) deadline of additional vocal particiapations ? Because if I dont then we will never end up recording the cover ^^. People who will want to join after that date will be put to chorus (harmonies).

palawa, how's going with the instrumental part ?
I think it is a good idea to set a firm deadline and stick to it. You should probably put a list of the confirmed participants in the first post for easy reference :XD:
The List is in the 5th page of the thread.

... Ok then, DEADLINE for Vocals: July 7th.

I will tomorrow update the list post with the ones that said that will do harmonies
i'd like to join!!!!

but uh...
first i have to test the mic of the laptop i'm using, and i can't do that right now. :uh..:

sooo, i'll get back to you on that :D;;

*is clubbed*

grunty said:
I'm fine with anything, but is there an instrumental?

Palawa and some other members wanted to make their own instrumntal (instead of using off vocal version of the live ver) so I gave them the ok to do it. Palawa some pages ago had said that he's working on the everlasting song live ver instrumental.
Maybe we should put the information, along with the deadline on the main page.
This year we are not planning on making noise about the project like we did the 2 previous years (about the 2008 page and the 2009 AB scrapbook) [mainly because the members of this forum are enough for the song project ]. Therefore it wont be good idea to make a newspost for it.
Re: Re:

george1234 said:
Palawa and some other members wanted to make their own instrumntal (instead of using off vocal version of the live ver) so I gave them the ok to do it. Palawa some pages ago had said that he's working on the everlasting song live ver instrumental.

Well having a vocal deadline without the instrumental is sorta HMMM, which is why I asked...
Main reason I put the deadline was this

philadelphin said:
Tsukishiro_Yuki said:
So when can we decide it???

you mean the divide-thing?
if yes
I think when george1234 (I think he's the project leader, no? xD) closes the "casting". than the song can be divided.

but , yes you are right, without instrumental we cant do nothing. I will ask palawa about its progress and decide what I will do about the deadline (remove it or extend it)
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