Oh god, so much choice. Most of their stuff is so good too

Top 5:
1. red moon - This is the song that truly got me into Kalafina, albeit not the first of theirs I heard.
2. Sandpiper - Didn't really pay that much attention to it until I watched the After Eden live. Now I'm in love with it.
3. Hanataba - Beautiful singing and accordions. It's different but SO GOOD.
4. Utsukushisa - Love the atmosphere of this song, plus when it builds up it becomes even more amazing. The 5th Anniversary Live just enforces this, too.
5. Tsioku - Honestly I can't remember what used to be here, but Tsioku sure has taken the slot. I love the feel of this song and the use of vocals, it just sounds great. Pity a lot of people won't hear it like Utsukushisa due to being a b-side that'll likely not make it onto the next album

Honourable mentions: lirica, Signal, Sprinter (especially the 5th Live acoustic ver.), ARIA, Serenato, manten, Destination Unknown, Oblivious (re:oblivious version especially), Kyrie.
Bottom 5?
1. Hikari Furu - I didn't really like Sagitta Luminis and don't really get on with this either. There just doesn't seem to be enough going on and, whilst I can't deny the quality of the girls' singing, it just comes across as dull to me.
2. Mirai - Honestly I don't really care for Credens Justitiam either. Somehow it sounds just a little too... fluffy? Eh, I dunno. Just sounds odd to me. As with Hikari Furu, having the girls sing it doesn't change my opinion of the original piece. Just a pity that they arranged the two songs of the OST I like the least.
3. Mune no Yukue - For some reason this song never really interested me either. I was hoping that it'd be like Sandpiper and the live performance would warm up to me, but it never did. It could do with being a couple minutes shorter I reckon as it seems to drag on for ages without much of interest.
4. Dolce - I forgot what Dolce even sounds like. That's how little an impression it had. Not sure there's anything wrong with it, I just find it forgettable which is a pity since most of Kala's b-sides are fantastic.
5. Honestly... I don't know. I'm not sure there even is a #5. There's a few songs that I don't like as much as others, but nothing else really stands out as being bad enough to namecall. Maybe Alleluia or Snow Falling? I dunno, I still like those. They come up more under 'have done similar stuff better' rather than 'not very good' anyway. Still, I reckon you'd be hard pressed to find a band that doesn't have standout tracks and weak tracks, it's just natural. Kalafina just do it better than other bands
