My current list:
1. Manten
2. To the beginning
3. Sandpiper
4. Destination Unknown
5. Red Moon
I love "Manten" and "To the beginning" a lot after I keep playing them so many times these past few days just to learn every single voice, especially the harmonies
I.. really like Moonfesta I don't know if my ranking has changed, I love so many of their songs, and both Manten and Moonfesta sound absolutely amazing in different ways. Awesomeness.
I need to change mine. I just rediscovered a song I'd totally forgotten existed. Hoshi no Utai - the big finale of Red Moon's sort of middle eastern part. I absolutely love how aggressive that song is - It's the "Reddest" song on Red Moon.
1. Moonfesta. i love the way they sing "Tsuki no Festaa~" with that dance
2. Destination Unknown
3. Eden
4. ARIA (live version with Maya)
5. Natsu no Ringo + Storia
but they aren't ranked -- sometimes i love Moonfesta more than others, sometimes i love Natsu no Ringo more than others. and it changes everyday, oops, everytime i open my music player...