my sound system is the default built-in speaker in my compaq deskpro CPU.
KalafinaDasuki said:Oppo 83SE-> Denon S10II -> Creek Destiny ->B&W Signature 805
Special_K said:Very interesting combination of using 2 integrated amps in one setup. Any particular reason for this choice? Colouration, perhaps?
KalafinaDasuki said:The Denon S10II is a CD player/DAC (I do have another amp, but that is for movie and surround sound). It is connected with the Oppo 83SE via coaxial. The Oppo 83SE, by itself, sounds thin, hard, and lack of focus. That’s why I use the S10II as a DAC to improve the sound, and bring out the beautiful vocals from Kalafina.
Special_K said:Nice. Strangely, the Oppo/Nuforce label seems to be well received on many fronts elsewhere, though.
It's a shame I haven't really heard enough to comment on that.
Special_K said:Oh yes, you *SHOULD* make yourself known to the world on the intro page, too.
Special_K said:But just a tip: Don't start a format war there. Most of the members here are still not as privileged as us to be able to dabble with high fidelity audio. The guy who supported lossless formats got beaten up quite bad (virtually) and voluntarily left, I think. You can have a read if you have time. Quite....erm...interesting.
KalafinaDasuki said:Don’t get me wrong, Oppo did an excellent job producing their players for a reasonable price. It is hard to beat their performance within the price range. I know it is unfair to compare a universal blu-ray player (83SE) to a single-purpose CD player/DAC (Denon S10II), which costs at least twice as much, but I have both players. Why not get the best of them.
As for the rave reviews go, I don’t blindly trust them. I trust my own ears. After all I am the one (and my friends) who enjoys my system, not the reviewers.
I have no experience with Nuforce, so I would not give any comment on them.
Special_K said:Interesting stuff.
I just made a switch (out of necessity, actually -- since the left channel of my E9 amp wasn't working) back to my laptop's integrated sound card (i.e. the SRS Premium Sound kit). And it was GAWD awful!!