Who are the mysterious members 3,4 of the Kalafina project?

"died" is the past form of the verb "die"


the verb "dye" is used when you want to say that someone coloured his/her hair, dyed is the past form of this verb

eg: The girl dyed her hair red because she wanted to be like Yuki Kajiura as she was in the Destination Web Special
In the Kalafina website Information section http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Info/kalafina/info/index.html, at the top writes:

Kalafina 待望の新曲、新たに2人のボーカリストを加え堂々完成!


Offisial Web Site、近々にリニューアル予定!


Which according to Google translate means

Kalafina long-awaited new song, two new vocalist in addition to imposing a complete!

Animal "empty boundary," the fourth chapter of "cathedral district" theme "ARIA"
5 / 28 from着うた(R) started! For more information please check our site!

Offisial Web Site, re-scheduled soon!
Many Kalafina mystery until now the reality is gradually revealed?



Official is written with a "c" not "s" :XD:

Kalafina website said:
Many Kalafina mystery until now the reality is gradually revealed?

Do they have our discussion in mind?? :XD:
george1234 said:
Kalafina website said:
Many Kalafina mystery until now the reality is gradually revealed?

Do they have our discussion in mind?? :XD:
It could be cool.

Kalafina profile-text is so mysterious.
Kalafina Profile said:
A mystical sound. An elegant melody. The singing voice through which it runs. The music project which Yuki Kajiura produces "Kalafina." The cause began from the theme song project of the theater version "an empty boundary." Audition is piled up and two or more female VOKARISUTO is elected itself [ Yuki Kajiura ]. VOKARISUTO and others with the singing voice of the gem which suited the severe expectations appears in various forms in the theme song of a total of seven works also as that of producing of her. It cannot let out of sight the Kalafina project which continues changing.
Kazado said:

Could it be Marina Inoue on left?
Now that the rest of the Kalafina singers were revealed


I think that since Yuki used Wakana and Keiko for the 3 first movies , she will now use the other 2 (Maya and Hikaru) for the movies 4, 5 and 6 and for the 7th movie she will use all for of them

By the way, I listened to ARIA, and I guess that vocalist No. 3 Sings (since oblivious was sung by Waka and she is the 1st of the 2 first). Her voice is first heard to me but I guess that I will get used to it. The music behind sound nice.
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George is right :3 On the Profile page of Kalafina, it sys that #3 (maya) has a "strong" voice, while Hikaru has the "transparent" voice
in the profile page of the Kalafina website has interesting info about the 2 new vocalist (2 lines of each of them) as long as for Wakana and Keiko http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/Music/Info/kalafina/profile/index.html


FictionJunction WAKANAとして梶浦由記に見出される。

FictionJunction KEIKOとして梶浦由記に見出される。




■ member profiles

FictionJunction WAKANA as Yuki Kaziura found.
Growth in cool and comfortable singing diva.

FictionJunction KEIKO as Yuki Kaziura found.
Seductive bass voice diva.

SonyMusic audition from among 30,000 Yuki Kaziura found in the survey.
Diva voice filled with a strong sense of rhythm.

SonyMusic audition from among 30,000 Yuki Kaziura found in the survey.
Transparency and a sense of tension in conjunction with the singing diva.
And the mystery is lifted! ^^ Yay! Haha! All my guesses were wrong...as expected... :desksweat:

Hey, they're quite cute actually! ^^
Seductive bass voice diva. <3 :love:
kaziura is so strong x)
a "transparency" voice, does it mean something ? x)
Theo said:
Maybe they are just new singers? Maybe Kajiura have walked on the street and said to someone women "Hey you!!! Would you like to sing in my project?"

Hah, i was right!!! :dote: :sohappy: