I first fell in love with Kajiura's music when I was between 10-11 years old, thru Tsubasa Chronicles (A song of storm and fire and Tsubasa, to be exact). Through it, I discovered Eri Ito and FictionJunction Kaori. Thinking FJ was band, I further looked for the other FJ members, LOL. I only found Yuuka and Asuka.

Back then, the internet barely had anything about Kajiura (or maybe I just don't know where to look, lol) but few months or probably years later, I found a VERY helpful site... canta-per-me.net

I didn't join the forums, but I usually come here for information. Then I found out that she did Gundam Seed and .Hack//sign too, which is nice 'coz I remember watching those anime when I was even younger than then.
Few years later, I RE-encountered Kajiura's music through Pandora Hearts. I thought it had a nice set of soundtracks and all but I didn't bother researching until I found myself enjoying the opening song and accidentally reading "FictionJunction" on the opening credits. So I went back to CPM and start researching again... until I finally decided to join. LOL.

I'm 19 turning 20 now, and I still love her~