Waiting for progressive, Kalafina

I...they're dancing, sort of, and, and....now I REALLY want that DVD.

I love it. I don't think it's a weak song at all. Yeah, it's not as full (i guess would be the best word for it) as their other songs, but it's still very good. i love the violin and instrumental part as usual. heh and the slow part afterwards. I was kind of expecting a scene change after that, but oh well. i'm listening to it again and now I can't wait until next week! 5 more days! :sohappy:
Oh wow. Energetic PV finally from Kalafina!
Love their 2nd outfits! And yay~ HikaruxKeikoxWakana dansu :dote:
Last 2 mins of the song = superb.

Keiko almost looks like Dora on her short hair ;_;

Thanks all! :sohappy:
WAKANA DANSU~~ :ohoho:

i really like the song after listening to the whole thing. the second half is complete awesomeness.
wuuuuuuu that PV is the BEST FROM KALAFINA

I like THE KALAFINA DANSU 8D it's like that :goodjob:

HEY I don't think Keiko's hair are cut for real! because she isn't moving much when she has that hairstyle, so that may be done by computers :knife: (that's only a may though...) well well I hope so :glower:
but i agree with acid_m, Keiko looks very cute like that XD

thanks for the BIG COVERS Melvin!!! =D

Hey kalafina blog changed their main image!
Thanks to Jirichi for re-uploading :goodjob: YT didn't work for me...

The second half of the song was great, and it was neat to see everyone with different hairstyles. Hikaru actually scared me at 4:44 :XD:

Only a few days left!

Where is my chair dancing?
This is IMO the best Kalafina PV hands down! :sohappy: I can't get used to Wakana's ponytail hairstyle in this though. The song sounds kind of repetitive but I love the violin. Can't wait to hear Utsukushisa.
great PV :sohappy: the second style is a bit strange for me though...
the song is great too, though it's not like the usual kalafina (?)
I hope everything leaks early :plot:
So awesome PV!!!! I may a bit strange... I still prefer Storia PV...lol... However, Hikaru seems so cool in this PV, but Wakana hairstyle makes she seems too old... :uh..: . (As for Keiko, she's as cute as always...lol.)

I think the added part that they have the other costume and hairstyle makes the PV seem quite weird... :uh..: , and Kajiurago part in the middle part of the song is dominated by the instrumental voice... :uh..: .

However, I like Hikaru (solo?) part before the last hook and their blending voices at the ending of the last hook is so gorgeous!!! :dote: Kajiuran part of them all at the ending (before Wakana's part) also cool!! :shy: .

Hope it'll be better for me..when I watch more pic&sound quality PV... :uh..: .
Its amazing :shy:

And...full of WEAVE :ohoho:

Kalafina sure love those hair extensions lol Wakana looks like Zhang Ziyi.

I'm so proud of Hikaru :sohappy: She is transforming from that cute demure bunny/doe persona in Boston to a more outgoing beauty :nosebleed: Dancing kind of freaked me out at certain scenes and the lighting was quite sporadic. It was awesome nonetheless and definitely a step up from storia. Storia looked like they were perousing around an abandoned renaissance fair in Germany.

Can't wait to get my copy now :dote: I wonder if bit by bit they will learn to dance more and more....and someday...dance like Perfume?! :XD:

Zuiyon said:
HEY I don't think Keiko's hair are cut for real! because she isn't moving much when she has that hairstyle, so that may be done by computers :knife: (that's only a may though...) well well I hope so :glower:
I think it's a wig.
Re: Re:

HIS MASK said:
ズuiyon said:
HEY I don't think Keiko's hair are cut for real! because she isn't moving much when she has that hairstyle, so that may be done by computers :knife: (that's only a may though...) well well I hope so :glower:
I think it's a wig.
Fear not! Our dear Keiko didn't cut her hair. It's only tucked to look shorter, recent blog pics show her with long hair still.