Dear [insert my real name >_>],
Thank you for shopping at CDJapan.
We shipped your order today.
Order Number: 10103098753
Order Items:
Kalafina/Red Moon [w/ DVD, Limited Edition][w/ DVD, Limited Edition]
CDA 1 x 3619 yen 2010/03/17 release
Shipping Address:
[insert my shipping address <_>]
Shipping Method: Air Mail
On average, it takes 4-12 days for
delivery for this shipping method.
*May take up to 8 weeks
[url:mdl5ziee]http://www.kalafina.jp/info/index.html[/url] said:ラジオゲスト生出演決定!!(千葉・東京) (2010.3.15)
3/24 bayfm「MUSIC GENERATION FROM K-WEST」(19:00~19:50)@流山おおたかの森S・C 3階STUDIO K-WEST
3/24 文化放送「リッスン?~Live for Life~(25:00~27:00)
Kizuato said:No, pan xD
Last time (for Toki no Mukou Maboroshi no Sora single), I had the same shipping method and same message. But I received it in six days. I assure you. It won't take long!!