These two weeks, stuck alone, I have had a lot of time to ponder, think and fantasise about various things, and since this random postings thread seems like the most appropriate place:
Kajiura's Kalafina Kindergarten
After composing moonfesta for a children's show, Yuki Kajiura-sama came to the realisation that, in fact, she loved kids!

In fact, she loved them so much that she decided to retire from composing (heaven forbid!

) and start up her own kindergarten.
Naturally, when the 3 Kalafina girls heard about this, they were quite distraught.
Kalafina: Yuki-sensei! We're out of a job!
Yuki: Well, since you've been working so faithfully for me these past years, why don't you continue working for me as kindergarten teachers?
Kalafina: Hai hai~~
- on the first day -
Yuki: Now, I'll be leaving these children in your care from now on, girls.
Kalafina: Yes ma'am!
Yuki: Remember to teach them important and useful life lessons!
Kalafina:........useful life lessons?


We've got plenty of those to share...
Yuki: *thinking* Oh gawd.......
*felt a sudden chill*
As soon as Kajiura left, the Kala girls got down to business.
Hikaru: Ok, kids, why don't we have a morning nap -
Keiko: ehhh...but that's not teaching them useful life lessons....
Hikaru: No, but sleeping is an essential life skill - !
Wakana: SILENCE, fools!

There's only one lesson in life anyone would ever need to know,

...and that is.........SHARK~
*pulls out chalkboard*
Wakana: First, let's consider all the different species of sharks in the world......
*starts droning* HEY! Kid over there! Stop eating ice cream in class!

WHAT?! That's my secret stash!

Put it down, boyyyy....
*sparks begin to fly between Keiko and the defiant child*
Wakana: OOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I'm still teaching heeerreeeeeeeee
Hikaru: *has already been asleep since a while ago*
*both Keiko and kid in tears*
Wakana: Stop it you two!
*kid throws ice cream at Keiko but misses and hits Wakana instead*
Wakana: WAAAAAAHHHHHH nuuuuooooooooo

Hikaru: huh…?
Wakana: The kid threw ice cream at meeeee
Keiko: Wacchan, let me lick it off your face, we don't want to waste good ice cream now, do we?
*Keiko is whacked to the far reaches of outer space*
Hikaru: Everybody calm down…
Wakana: You don't know who you're messing with, kiddo.
Nobody crosses the Wakashark and gets away with it!
*kid starts bawling*
Look what you did now!

How do I make it stop?
Keiko: Mai ice cureamuuuuuu
*chaos ensues*
- Meanwhile -
Ever since Kajiura-sensei got into the childcare business, Kaori, Yuriko and Yuuka had gone on to pursue their respective solo careers. Even so, they all met up for tea now and then…
ahhh, isn't it nice...just like old times…
Yuriko: I do miss FictionJunction…
Yuuka: I miss working with Yuki-san too~
Kaori: By the way, where are Keiko, Wakana and Hikaru?
Yuki: Oh, they're working in my kindergarten as teachers.
Yuki: In fact, let's go check up on them and see how they're doing with the children!
- later -
Yuki: Girls, I'm ba -
Yuriko, Yuuka & Kaori:
*Keiko holding children suspended by fishing rods over an inflatable pool to be fed to Wakana's pet sharks, whilst Hikaru slumbering in the corner; ice cream flying everywhere*

Keiko & Wakana:'re back…
Hikaru: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........
Yuki: I thought I told you to teach them useful life lessons?!!!
Keiko: Oh, but er...of course we are...
Wakana: Right, it's just that our teaching methods bit unorthodox, is all…
Is that so? Well perhaps you could explain to me what exactly you're trying to achieve
*stares at shark-infested pool*
Wakana: I'm's…
Yuriko, Yuuka & Kaori: With man-eating
Keiko: We made it...uh...Bring Your Pet To School Day!
Wakana: And actually, it's a common misconception that sharks consume -
Yuki: *quickly changing the topic before rant begins* No more Pet Days!

And...take the kids on a field trip tomorrow!

seems like the classroom's too dangerous for these three…