Τhe request thread

Does anyone here still have download links for The Works for Soundtrack and Achilles to Kame? :plz:
Thank you so much!!
now listening.
Oh my God, this song is so great! So grace in the beginning, and so upbeat and trancey in the middle. Can listen to this song all day.

Now, does anyone have here we stand in the morning dew - Yuriko Kaida's version?

ransho~ said:
Thank you so much!!
now listening.
Oh my God, this song is so great! So grace in the beginning, and so upbeat and trancey in the middle. Can listen to this song all day.

Now, does anyone have here we stand in the morning dew - Yuriko Kaida's version?
here you are
I've just re-installed my computer and my handphone memory card so I lost all of my saved-songs because I forgot to make a copy of them first.~
I know this might be a tad early, but any booklet scans for the Madoka Magica OST 2? :bow:
Does anyone have the 1st Kara no Kyoukai movie ost and if so can you upload the songs separately into mp3 files on mediafire? that would be much much appreciated. (I tried to find a copy but it couldn't be shipped to my city from Japan, which stinks.)
hmm i heard somewhere that there is a stone cold live? If so I want to hear it badly, could anyone direct me towards either a stream or dl? :sparkleguy: