Τhe request thread

does anyone remember which episode of gundam seed destiny HD the shinkai no kodoku rip's from?
I'm sorry, this is a bit large:

Can someone smart and musical tell me the vocal notes for the four (five?) harmony parts from the live version of Voices Silently Sing?
Hi you guys, can anyone please send me as many of the official vocal scores as you possess as quickly as you can? My Men's Glee Club director said he'd be open to us doing a Japanese (or Japanese-composed) song and I'd like to send these sheets to him. I know @Westkana probably has some. I'm especially interested in his opinions on "Zodiacal Sign (Live)" and "The Image Theme of Xenosaga II". Though, again, I'd just like any of the ones that any of you have. Please email them to "calebchappell95@gmail.com".
^All I have are the FotW vocal scores from the book, and then scores for I swear (live) that I made a long time ago for LacrimosaRaven, and probably incorrect scores of blaze, into the world, and definitely incorrect Hyakka Ryouran TV size that I made. I'll send I swear, blaze, into the world, and HR to you as soon as I get a chance, it would take forever to scan in the FotW vocal score book (sry). I'll try to correct the little bit of Hyakka Ryouran that I know is wrong
Hi you guys, can anyone please send me as many of the official vocal scores as you possess as quickly as you can? My Men's Glee Club director said he'd be open to us doing a Japanese (or Japanese-composed) song and I'd like to send these sheets to him. I know @Westkana probably has some. I'm especially interested in his opinions on "Zodiacal Sign (Live)" and "The Image Theme of Xenosaga II". Though, again, I'd just like any of the ones that any of you have. Please email them to "calebchappell95@gmail.com".
@Kugayama don't you have some vocal scores?

will digitize tonbo later today but may not be able to upload it until Monday, we'll see